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(Oli's POV)

"That's the house!" Vegan shouted as we pulled up outside it.

"Heres the plan, Jordan you knock on the door and when Jesse opens it Nichols will hit him with the baseball bat, after that, Vegan&Me will run in and find Poppy" I said as I undone my seatbelt.

"What do I do?" Lee asked.

"Lee when you see us running out the house open the car doors and be prepared to drive like a lunatic" I said as he nodded and opened the doors. I looked at the guys and nodded, we slowly made our way to the front door, Jordan knocked on the door, Nichols getting ready to beat Jesse with the bat. Nobody answered. He knocked again,

"Nobody's answering! What do we do?" Jordan whispered. Vegan looked at me,

"We go into the back garden and throw a rock to the window hopefully smashing it, then we nick Jesses ladder and get into the house and go on from that" He said. I was amazed,

"Matt if this works I owe you big time" I said as I patted him on the back.

We made our way to the back of the house and saw a hand on the back window. Nichols threw a rock at the window causing it to smash, Vegan grabbed the ladder and leaned it against the wall. Here goes nothing. I climbed up the ladder and jumped through the window, I looked around and saw dirty clothes everywhere, I popped my head out the window and signalled for Vegan,Nichols&Jordan to come up. After Nichols fell through the window we made out way out of the back room.

"Alright lads, be as quiet as you can" I whispered as the boys nodded in agreement, we tip-toed through the hallway and came to a halt. The sound of sobbing filling the air. I looked at Vegan and nodded. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, come on Oli, you can do this. Three two one. I kicked open the door infront of me and saw Poppy curled up in the corner.

"Poppy love can you hear me?" I whispered as i ran over to Poppy.

"P-please d-don't hurt me" She cried. "Pops its Oliver, i'm getting you out of here love" I said as the tears threatened to leave my eyes.

"B-but he'll hurt me, i-if i leave, h-he'll find me" She said between sobs. I sighed and picked her up, holding her in a bridal style. Her small frame shaking from fear, i looked down at my Poppy, her clothes ripped and dirty, her skin black&blue. My beautiful Poppy tattered&torn. We managed to get down the stairs, as we reached the front door we heard female screams fill the air. Nichols swung open the front door to reveal Jesse, dragging Jordan,Hannah,Emma&Jessica by their hair. "What the actual fuck do you think you're doing?" Nichols spat hurrying Me&Poppy out the door. I ran towards the car and Lee flung open the doors. "Oli stay here, call the police, I'm going to get Hannah" Lee said as he hopped out of the car. I nodded and set Poppy down on the seat.

"O-Oliver, why're you crying?" She asked as she lifted her hand and stroked my cheek with her thumb. "They're happy tears Pops" I laughed as she let out a weak smile.

"Your tears don't fall they crash around me" She sung as she stroked my cheek.

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Poppy's back ayy

It Was Written In Blood // Oli SykesWhere stories live. Discover now