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(6 Months Later)

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled, The top of my white gown clinging to my body, the lower half flowing out. Finally happy with how i look.
"Poppy can we come in?" Danny asked as he knocked on the door.
"Come in" I smiled adding one last touch to my hair.
"Poppy you look-"
"Beautiful" James cut off Ben.
"Stop you'll make me cry and do you know how long it takes to make this face happen?" I laughed pointing at my face.
"Emma can you take a picture of us please?" Sam asked Emma, handing her his phone.
"Move dickhead I wanna stand next to her" Ben said pushing Cameron out the way.
"Sam,James&Ben on the left, Danny and Cam on the right okay?" I said as Danny laughed.
"I've never seen you so stressed Popsicle" Ben joined in laughing. "Shush! I'm getting married in 10 minutes, lets take the picture and get this show on the road!" I said clapping my hands. After taking multiple pictures it was time to walk.

First Nichols&Jordan, Then Jordan&Emma, Vegan&Jessica, Lee&Hannah and finally, Me&Danny. "I'm so proud of you Poppy" Danny whispered to me as we walked down the isle, I looked at him,
"R-Really?" I asked. He nodded and smiled.
"Thank you for everything Danny" I smiled as he gave me over to Oliver.

"You look beautiful" He smiled.
"You don't look to bad yourself" I laughed.
"Okay shall we start?" The minister asked. We both nodded.
"We are gathered here to today in this place of worship, to celebrate the marriage of Oliver Sykes and Poppy Worsnop. Now Oliver, do you have your vows?" The minister said, Oli nodded and pulled a crumbled piece of paper out of his trouser pocket. "Poppy i can't even begin to tell you how much i love you, everyday when i wake up, you're there, when i go to sleep at night, you're there. The night i met you, you were ready to jump, and im so glad i pulled over and stopped you, because without you, there is no me-"
"Stealing our lyrics Oliver!" Jaime shouted out causing everyone to laugh.
"Thanks Bro!" Oli shouted back. "Anyway, 7 years have passed and we've had 3 beautiful children, our Jacko, Violet&Hayley. I don't really have much more to say other than i love you Poppy, to the horizon and back" Oliver said, he looked up at me and gave me a cheeky smile.
"That was lovely Oliver, Poppy now your vows" The minister said gesturing to me.
"Okay well i havent planned what im going to say but i guess over the last 7 years, my life has changed so much, we were only 20 when we met, and honestly, these last 7 years have been the best years of my life, you're a right knob but i love you Oliver, to the horizon and back" I smiled looking at Oli.

"That was touching, now Oliver repeat after me." The minister started
"I Oliver Scott Sykes take you Poppy Elizabeth Worsnop to be my lawfully wedded wife, to love and hold, through sickness and in health, til' death do us part" The minister said.
"I Oliver Scott Sykes take you Poppy Elizabeth Worsnop to be my lawfully wedded wife, to love and hold, through sickness and in health, til' death do us part" Oli said with a huge grin on his face, sliding a ring on my finger.
"Now Poppy repeat after me"
"I Poppy Elizabeth Worsnop take you Oliver Scott Sykes to be my lawfully wedded husband, to love and hold, through sickness and in health, til' death do us part"
"I Poppy Elizabeth Worsnop take you Oliver Scott Sykes to be my lawfully wedded husband, to love and hold, through sickness and in health, til' death do us part" I smiled placing a ring on his finger.
"By the power invested in me, i now pronouce you Mr&Mrs Sykes, Oliver you may now kiss your bride" The minister smiled clapping his hands. "Fucking finally" Oliver laughed pulling me into a kiss.

After the reception the party started.
"Alright everyone, It's time for the first dance!' Danny said into the mic.
"May I have this dance?" Oliver asked grabbing my hand. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed his arms around my waist. As the opening chords of Iris played Oli leaned down to my ear.
"And I'd give up forever to touch you cause I know that you feel me somehow you're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be and I don't wanna go home right now" He sang into my ear as we danced.
"I love you, you knobhead" I laughed as I stroked the back of his hair.
"I love you too dickhead" He laughed flashing a cheeky grin.


Listen to Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls while reading this chapter bc feels

It Was Written In Blood // Oli SykesWhere stories live. Discover now