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"Baby wake up, wake up" Oli whispered into my ear.

"No it's too early" I whined as he ripped the covers off me. I sighed and sat up, I looked around the room and saw my clothes everywhere.

"Ugh Oliver pass me my clothes" I yawned as he threw my clothes at my face. I stuck my tongue out and ran to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror, yesterday's eyeliner smudged across my face. I look like a member of Black Veil Brides.

I sorted myself out and got dressed. I heard talking and walked in to see the guys rushing around.

"Guys why you rushing?" I asked as Jordan ran over to me and grabbed my shoulders.

"We're late! We're going to miss our set " Jordan said as he shook my shoulders.

"Guys lets go!" Lee shouted as we all ran out the room.

"Derek drive!" Nichols shouted as we all jumped onto the bus.

"Vegan you look like shit" Oliver laughed as he sat down.

"Thanks Oli" he laughed as they guys started playing Fifa. We arrived at the venue just in time for the set. I stood side stage watching Oliver run across the stage,

"You really like Oliver huh?" A girl roughly my age asked. I nodded an looked at her and smiled.

"I'm Emma, Jordan's fiancé" she smiled as she pulled me into a hug.

"I'm Poppy, but the guys call me Pops" I laughed as she blushed.

"Sorry I'm a hugger" Emma laughed as she pushed her blonde hair out of her face.

"Here come the guys!" She squealed as Jordan ran over.

"I missed you so much!" He laughed as he picked her up and swung her around.

"Hey beautiful, we're going to a club, you coming?" Oli asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I bit down on my lower lip and sighed.

"I have nothing to wear!" I pouted as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I have loads of stuff! You can borrow something of mine!" Emma shouted as Jordan threw her over his shoulder.

"Well that sorted itself out!" Oli laughed as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bus.

"Okay I have 7 dresses so take your pick!" Emma said as she curled her hair. I grabbed a black dress and went into the bathroom.

After showering I looked in the mirror, I've but on a lot of weight since I met the boys, I sighed and pulled on the dress, the black material stuck to my skin and pulled in my stomach. I tucked the straps into the side and grabbed my make up bag, I applied a small line of eyeliner to each eye, I pulled out my mascara and made my eye lashes look even darker. I looked in the mirror one last time and applied some red lipstick. Perfect.

"Pops you ready love? I need a piss!" Lee shouted as he banged on the door.

"Sorry sweetheart" I laughed as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Wow you look amazing!" Emma squealed as she pulled on her heals, making her 4 inches taller.

"You look stunning Em! Babe can you do my hair please?" I laughed as she picked up the straighteners. After an hour of doing my hair we walked into the front lounge.

"Holy fuck girls you look stunning!" Nichols smiled as he hugged us.

"Hey Nichols hands off!" Jordan laughed as he walked over and whispered something in Emma's ear making her giggle.

"Wheres Oliver?" I asked as i played with the ends of my hair.

"I'm here love!" He smiled as he walked through the door,

"You look beautiful" He smiled as he kissed me softly,

"To the club we go!" Jordan shouted as he grabbed Emma's hand and pulled her out of the bus with us following.

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boo for filler chapters

It Was Written In Blood // Oli SykesWhere stories live. Discover now