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(Poppy's POV)

"Derek what's taking so long?" Vegan shouted.
"The wheels burst, it'll be sorted in a minute!" He shouted back.
"Pops where's my jumper?" Oliver asked as he walked out of the bunk area shirtless. I looked down and giggled. He sighed and sat next to me wrapping his arm over my shoulders.
"Can we watch Finding Nemo?" I asked as Vegan bought over the popcorn.
"Nope we're watching Sinister!" Nichols said as he sat next me, putting my legs on his lap.
I hid my face in Oliver's chest and sighed. Occasionally he would whisper in my ear asking if I was okay&kissing my cheek.
As the film ended I sat up and yawned.
"Lee what's the time?" I asked Lee as I rested my head on Oli's shoulder.
"It's 12am and you have a text from Ben" he yawned as he handed me my phone.
I unlocked my phone and read the text.

"Danny's been drugged, at hospital come as soon as you see this,

Ben x"

"Guys Danny's in hospital we need to go there now! I shouted as Oli grabbed a shirt and some shoes.
We ran to local hospital and were stopped at the front desk.
"Um Danny Worsnop?" I said as the girl looked at me.
"ew Worsnop, he's down the hall 4th door on your right" she spat. I shook off her attitude and ran to Danny's room. As I opened the door I saw Danny wired up to all sorts if machines.
"Popsicle!" He laughed as I walked in.
"Hey bro" I said as tears ran down my cheeks.
"Danny I'm so sorry I don-"
"Shh Pops it's okay love, I was over reacting" he cut me off.
"I love you bro" I laughed
"I love you too Popsicle"

After spending hours with Danny we walked back to our bus.
"Guys I've booked 4 hotel rooms for you guys since the bus Isn't fixed, so buddy up and get your arses to the hotel!" Derek said as he returned to the bus.
"I'm sharing with Poppy!" Oliver shouted.
"I'll go with Nichols" Jordan said as he rested his arm on Nichols' shoulder.
"So that just leaves Mad Man Malia and Vegan!" Oli said as he grabbed my hand and intwined our fingers.
"The reservations under my name guys, so go have a nice rest and I'll see you here at 10am tomorrow morning" Derek smiled as we waved goodbye.

"Um 4 rooms under the name Derek Richardson" Oliver said as we arrived at the front desk.
"Okay here's your keys, have a nice stay" the man smiled as he handed us our keys.
"See you gays later" Oliver laughed as we went to our room.
As soon as the guys were out of sight Oli grabbed my hand and made me run down the corridor.

"Hey Oliver I need to tell you something" I whispered as he opened our door.
"What's up Pops?" He asked as he leaned on the wall.
"Come closer" I whispered as he leant in closer and closer.
"What did yo- oh my god" he moaned as I kissed&bit his neck.
I moved my lips to his as he picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist.
Oliver stumbled into the room laying me on the bed. He climbed onto me straddling my waist, I pulled him down for a kiss and played with the hem of his shirt, he took the hint and removed his shirt flinging it across the room. He leaned down and nibbled at my neck, leaving tiny love bites everywhere. His trousers were soon off and soon after mine followed.
"This shirt looks nice, but it'd look better on the floor" he laughed as he ripped my shirt clean off my body.
He started kissing my neck, making his way slowly past my breasts, onto my stomach, and finally my hips. He looked up at me and gave a cheeky smile before pulling my underwear off with his teeth. I flipped us over and pulled Oliver's boxers off, he flipped us over again and unhooked my bra.
"You ready?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded and bit down on my lip, he entered me, slowly moving his hips against mine. I let out a muffled moan, my head flying back in pleasure
"Fuck" I groaned as Oli's thrust became sloppier, he removed himself from and a layed himself down.
"Well who knew such a small person could have so much kick" he laughed.
"Night Pops" he yawned as he pulled the covers over us.
"Goodnight Oliver" I smiled as I snuggled into his side.

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i cant write smut for shit ok sorry bye

It Was Written In Blood // Oli SykesWhere stories live. Discover now