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"Does he know?" I shook my head and looked at Jack.
"Jack, do you want to meet your Dad?" Jordan asked crouching down to Jacks height. Jack nodded his head and looked at me.
"Lets go see Daddy!" I said watching the smile on Jacks face grow bigger and bigger. Jordan looked at me and laughed,
"Pops you need to get changed love" he laughed as i blushed.
"Jack go show Jordan your room while i get ready" I said to Jack who grabbed Jordans hand and pulled him into the house. I ran into my room and changed into a Avenged Sevenfold tank, reveling tattoo sleeves, my black skinnys and Black vans, i applied a small like of eyeliner to each eye, brushing over my lashes with masacara and changing my nose stud to a hoop. I pulled my navy blue hair into a hugh ponytail and looked in the mirror, I wonder if they'll recognise me.
"Jacko you ready?" i shouted from the top of the stairs.
"Yes we are!" Jordan shouted from Jacks room. As they walked out Jordan threw Jack over his shoulder. "Jordan put me down or i'll turn into a dinosaur!" Jack shouted as Jordan ran out the front door.
"Benjamin tell Whoresnop i'm meeting some friends please kay thanks love you" I said as i kissed Ben on the cheek and skipped out of the door.

"So how old is Jack?" Jordan asked as we walked down the road. "He's 5 and a half, 6 in August", Jordan looked at me,
"He looks a lot like Oli, its scary" he laughed.
"I know, Jords, why didnt you or Vegan call me?" I asked as we carried on walking.
"Oli didnt want us talking to you, he said if he couldnt talk to you then nobody could, he deleted your number off of all ours phones, even Dereks!" He said throwing his arms in the air. "W-what about Emma? Did you guys get married?" Jordan shook his head and sighed.
"She wanted you there and was determined to find you so i snuck out last night and searched around here, near the park where we found you all those years ago and this morning i saw Danny running around with pancakes and i knew you had to be here!" He said as he let out a small smile.
"Well i wouldnt miss your wedding for the world! I smiled as we reached a hotel.
"Jack, you ready?" I asked as i picked him up, he nodded and looked at Jordan,
"Now Jacko, dont say anything about him being your Daddy until I say okay?" Jordan said as he ruffled Jacks hair. Jack pouted and fixed his hair. Definately Oli's kid.

"Honey im home and ive got company so put some clothes on!" Jordan shouted as we walked into the BMTH room. I put down Jack and he immediately clung on to Jordans leg. "Jordan who did you brin- oh my goc Poppy!" Emma screamed as she saw me.
"I missed you so much Pops oh my god we need to catch up!" She cried as we hugged.
"I missed you too Em!" i sobbed. "Okay enough tears, who's this little fella?" She asked as she looked at Jack.
"Im Jack Falcon Sykes!" He said as he removed himself from Jordans leg. "He's Oli's kid?" She asked in shock. I nodded and picked him up.
"Jacko, this is mummys bestfriend Emma" Jack smiled and gave me a confused look.
"I Thought Uncle Cam and Uncle James were your bestfriends?" We all laughed,
"Jacko, they're mummys brothers, this is my bestest friend in the whole wide world!" I said as Emma nodded excitedly.
"Come on you need to see the rest of the guys!" Jordan said as he walked into the main room.

"Who's this Jordan?" Lee asked as he came out of the bathroom.
"Lee, look closly and focus for a second" Emma said as she hit Lee round the head. He gasped and smiled "Poppy Worsnop, how you been girl?" I put down Jack and laughed,
"I've been good, had a kid y'know just the usual" We laughed.
"He looks a lot like Oli like a seriously" He whispered, i looked at him and sighed.
"Oh my god he is Oli's!" He shouted. Jordan and Emma face palmed. "What's mine?" Oli asked as he walked over.
"I'm Oli, who're you if you dont mind my asking?" Oli said sticking out his hand.
"Um im Poppy" i said shyly. I looked at him and he stared at me.
"Staring is rude Oliver" i laughed as i picked Jack up.
"Poppy, long time no see" He said bluntly.
"I see you had a kid" He said.

"No Oliver, we had a kid"

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drama drama drama

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