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(First Day Of Warped)

"Jordan help, quick I'm stuck" I shouted from the bunk area. As I tried to get out of the cupboard. Jordan ran in and started laughing as soon as he saw me.
"Poppy why are you in the cupboard?" He laughed as he pulled on my arm to get me out.
"Oliver let go of my arm!" I laughed as Oli held onto my other arm.
"Is Oli in there too?" He laughed as Nichols joined him. I nodded and tried to break free. Finally Oliver let go of my arm and I flew forward landing on Nichols.
"Sorry Matty, Oliver was being a child like usual" I laughed as Jordan helped us up.
"Guys show in 5 minutes lets go!" Lee shouted from the front lounge. We all headed out to the main stage, showing security our passes.

After a 45 minute set, Oliver started speaking.
"Okay guys, so this last song, is a a very special song to me, and I want a very special person to come out here for a second" he said as Vegan pulled me on stage.
"Everyone this Poppy, now Pops, I've known you for a while now and I've been meaning to ask you something, Poppy will you be my girlfriend?" I nodded and stood on my tip toes to kiss him. I ran off stage and watched the guys finish their set.
"Hey Poppy" I heard someone say, as I spun around I was hit around the head with something. I tried to scream but nothing.

(Oli's POV)

"Vegan where's Pops?" I asked as I wiped my face with a towel. He shrugged,
"I don't know man" panic shot through me. Someone's taken her, no Oliver pull your shit together nobody's taken her. A piercing scream filled the air.
"Poppy" I shouted as I ran towards the car park.

(Poppy's POV)

I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting them to the light. I sat up and looked around. It smelt like whiskey and cigarettes. Asking Alexandria.
"Morning sunshine" Ben said as he looked at me.
"Ben why the fuck did you knock me out?" I spat.
"Ben you idiot! You weren't meant to knock her out" James shouted as he slapped Ben round the head.
"Sam what's going on?" I whispered to Sam who was next to me.
"Danny's pissed off you didn't tell him about touring with the Bring Me lads and that you're dating Oli" he whispered back. I mentally face palmed.
"Danny bro, where we going?" I asked Danny as he focused on the road.
"You're going to live in Texas with us, you are not going to be seeing the Bring Me boys again okay?" He spat.
"Danny you can't do this" I screamed.
"I can do what the fuck I like" he shouted as Cam tried to calm him down.

After sitting in that shitty van for hours we arrived at someone's house. Sam helped me out the van and walked in with me. Ben immediately cracked open a bottle of beer and sat down on the sofa.
"How comes you guys just suddenly decide to care about me?" I asked.
"We've always cared" James said innocently.
"You weren't there for me" I said fighting back the tears.
"Yes we were" Danny said as he joined us.
"No you weren't! Where were you when I needed you most? Where was my big brother? Oh yeah he was fucking some whore and getting shit faced! Oliver was there for me, Jordan,Lee,Matt&Vegan were all there for me! But you fucking werent, I don't know why I even call you my brother" I spat, venom dripping off every word.

"Poppy calm down please" Cam said.

"No I won't calm down, Danny where were you when I was on the edge of the bridge, ready to end my life? Huh! Where were you? You never called to check on me, you promised me that when you moved here you would ring me every sunday, not once ever did you ring me! And Ben, don't try your 'We're busy!' Bullshit on me! You never fucking cared" I screamed as tears streamed down my cheeks.

I looked at the guys and walked out, I carried on walking until I was in a park. I'm never going to see Oliver again, or Nichols, or Vegan, or Lee or Jordan. Hell is showing its true colours.

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its Asking Alexandria bitches

It Was Written In Blood // Oli SykesWhere stories live. Discover now