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"Mummy wake up we're here!" Jack shouted as Oli picked him up. I smiled and looked out the window, home sweet home.
"Put your jumper on love its gonna be cold" Oli said as he walked down the isle of the plane. I laughed and pulled on my jumper. After going through all the boring airport shit and getting out suitcases we headed to Oli's.
"What song's this? It's beautiful" I said as Oli turned the song up.
"It's some crappy band from Yorkshire" He laughed.
"Oliver is this you singing?" I asked he laughed and nodded. I smiled and looked out the window, my beautiful Yorkshire.

We arrived at Oliver's, the same house he took me almost 6 years ago. "Welcome home love" He whispered in my ear as he snaked his arms around my waist.
"I feel 20 again" I laughed as i turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Remember the day i first met you? You were so shy and scared" He said as he kissed my nose,
"We should go inside and unpack" He said as unwrapped his arms from my waist. Oliver unlocked the door and pulled the bags upstairs.
"Mummy look! Uncle Danny and Uncle Jordan are on my wall!" Jack shouted as he ran into what i guessed was his room. I walked in and saw Asking Alexandria and Bring Me The Horizon posters covering one wall and a drum kit in the corner opposite his bed.
"Oli when did you do this?" I asked as he stood next to me grinning.
"Tom and my Dad did it while we were flying over" He said as he flashed his cheeky smile.
"Jack do you like it?" He asked as Jack looked at the posters.
"I love it!" He screamed as he ran over to Oli and hugged him.
"Okay Jacko, its getting late and we have a big day tomorrow, get changed into your Pjs, brush your teeth and i'll read you a story" Oli said as Jack ran over to his draw digging through it to find some Pyjamas.

"I love you to the horizon and back" I heard Oli say before walking out of Jack's room.
"Oliver, can i ask you something?" I asked as he changed into some shorts and climbed into the bed. He nodded and pulled the duvet over us.
"Why did you write that song?" I asked as he looked down.
"When you left everything fell apart, I would get wasted every night and wake up thinking you were next to me, I was alone and depressed and everything wasn't right, i drunk my sadness away but it just caused problems in the band" He said as he looked down.
"Poppy don't cry sweetheart" He cooed as he pulled me into a hug.
"I'm sorry for leaving Oliver" I sobbed into his chest.
"It's okay now love, I've got you back and we've got Jack too! Everything's okay i promise" He whispered.

"Poppy wake up there's a package for you, its pretty big" Oli said as he lightly shook my shoulders. I sighed and rolled out of bed and made my way downstairs. A box sat on the dining table, I sat down and opened it. As i looked in i saw a note.

"You'll Regret leaving, I'll make your life a living hell. Tell anyone and i'll rip your precious Oliver to shreds"

I put the note down and pulled an evenvolope out of the box, i ripped it open and looked at the photographs, photos of me and Oliver, Me and Jack, Me and the Asking boys, but with my body and face scratched out. "Everything okay love?" Oli asked as he handed me a cup of coffee. "Everything's fine" I lied forcing a fake smile.

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*chants* stalker stalker stalker

It Was Written In Blood // Oli SykesWhere stories live. Discover now