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(Oli's POV)

I ran around the whole site looking for Poppy, everyone was searching. I returned to the bus hoping she'd be in there, I ran through the bunks.
"Poppy! Pops this isn't funny come out please" I shouted as I opened all the cupboards. I ran out of the bus and leaned on it, I slid down until I hit the floor.
"Oli mate, is that you?" Vegan asked.
"She's gone Matt, my Poppy's gone" I sobbed as Jordan ran over.
"Oli someone saw her" He panted.
"Where! Jordan where?" I shouted.
"They said someone knocked her out and carried her into a van, they said it was Ben from Asking" He said as Nichols&Lee joined us.
"Lads get in the bus quick, we're gonna go save Pops" I said as they nodded and followed me onto the bus.
"Derek! You've driven for Asking before where's their house?" I asked as Derek our driver started the bus.
"Texas, not to far from here why?"
"Bens kidnapped Poppy" I said as tears streamed down my cheeks.
"Alright guys, I'd sit down if I were you, it's gonna be a rough ride" he said as he sped down the road.

(Poppy's POV)

I walked into the playground and sat on a swing. I pulled my phone out if my pocket and went onto twitter.

(A/N I made up their twitter names)

"@Olobersykes: If you see Poppy find any member of our band and tell us!"

"@JordanFish: Poppy where are you? If you see her tell her we're looking for her!"

"@LeeMalia: Poppy where are you girl?"

As i went to reply, my phone lost life and shut itself off. Typical.
"You know, a pretty girl like you shouldn't be out at this time of night" someone said as they sat on the swing next to me.
"It's either here or hell, not like there's a difference" I sighed as I looked at the stranger, I couldn't see their face. Weird.
"What's your name doll?" The stranger asked.
"Poppy Worsnop. Yourself?"
"Jordan Fish" the stranger smiled as they looked at me.
"Jordan!" I screamed as I hugged him.
"Pops why are you in Texas?" He asked as he hugged me.
"My brother and his stupid band mates kidnapped me" I said as I looked at him.
"Poppy" Oliver cried as he ran over and hugged me, picking me off the floor.
"I was so worried, I thought someone had taken you" he cried as he put me down.
"My idiot brother and his band kidnapped me" I whispered into his chest.
"Why Pops?"

"Because 1) She's too young to be out here, 2) I never gave her permission to leave England and finally I don't want her dating you" Danny spat as he walked over.
"What's so wrong with me being Oliver?" I shouted as Ben&Sam emerged out of the darkness.
"He's a liar Poppy! He's a cheater, a liar and he only wants you for sex!" Ben shouted.
"That's rich coming from you Bruce!" I spat.
I grabbed Oliver's hand and headed towards their bus.

"Poppy Elizabeth Worsnop get your arse back here now!" Danny shouted, we reached the bus i looked back to my brother.
"Goodbye Danny" I whispered as i walked onto the bus.

(Danny's POV)

"Poppy Elizabeth Worsnop get your arse back here now!' I shouted as Poppy, Oli and Jordan carried on walking.
"Goodbye Danny" she whispered before disappearing onto the bus. I dropped to my knees and looked up to the sky.
"You fucking happy now? My sisters gone! Are you fucking happy with yourself?" I Screamed into the sky as the rain began to fall.
"Come on Danny, the rains getting heavier" Sam said as he&Ben helped me onto my feet.
"I'm going to the bar" i muttered as i started walking.
"You aint going drinking without me mate!" Ben laughed as he patted me on the back.

We arrived at the bar and order ourselves some whiskey. I looked around the club and saw a girl with long black hair sitting on her own. "Excuse me love, mind if i sit?" I asked as i approached the table.
"Not at all" She said as she bit down on her lower lip.
"Whats a beautiful girl like you doing on her own?" I asked as i drunk the last of my whiskey.
"Got stood up, he was useless anyway" She said as she sipped on her drink.
"I wanna show you something!" she said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into a room.
"Go sit" she ordered as she locked the door. I sat on the sofa and grabbed a random drink of the table, taking a big gulp. Man that didn't taste right. She climbed on top of me straddling my waist. She leaned down and started kissing my neck, i let out a small moan and kissed her, the kiss got deeper and deeper until the room started swaying. "Love why is the room spinning?" i asked as I broke the kiss. She started laughing and got off of my waist.
"See you in hell sweetheart" She laughed as she walked out. Then everything went black.

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idek tbh

It Was Written In Blood // Oli SykesWhere stories live. Discover now