•She Was Empty•

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  Robin took one last look at me before he threw open the large doors and sauntered in, but what I seen had bile rise up to my throat. Antonio had a knife to my Mothers throat, "I must leave her alive, even if it means she doesn't." He said pushing the knife harder against her throat.

I stood there, absolutely useless. Every adjective for worthless, but then something ignited in me and I was sure of it that Antonio could see it to. "You want me to work for you, is that it?" I growled.

Antonio smirked, he held all of the cards, "You hit the nail on the head, you sure are a bright one." He grinned darkly.

"Cut the bullshít, Antonio, what's your problem?" I dared.

Antonio's hand that held the knife lowered to his side, "You are, My Dear."

And with a bright gleam of the knife he slit her throat and ran out of the door in the back of the room. "Tiger." A distant voice said as I watched my Mother fall to the ground.

I rushed over to her, she smiled at me, her long brown hair was over her eys, Brushing it out of the way she opened her mouth to say something but sad gurgles were only heard. "No, please hold on." I said, I got up and ripped off a long piece of what looked like expensive curtains. Oops, ask me if I care.

I dashed back over to my Mom and held the makeshift rag to her throat.

"Darling. I lo--," she coughed more blood spewing from the wound, "love you, be strong, My light." Her peridot eyes closed.

But this time, they wouldn't open to wake me up for morning chores. Or open to watch me beat everyone in the gym five times. She didn't say good bye, but I was glad. It was more of an, "I'll see you later." And I would keep that for her.

But to do that, I'll need to kill Antonio, and anyone who steps in my way of finding him.

A strong hand gripped my shoulder and soon I was pulled into a warm embrace. "Tiger..." He trailed off. But I still stared into oblivion, still trying to register what had just happened.

Soon Selina entered the room with Batman right behind her. Selina shook her head, with an angry scowl across her face. "Who did this, Victoria?" She said in a low and dangerous voice.

"Aaa--" I tried, still not able to find the words to make a proper sentence. I stepped back from Robin, "It was, Antonio." I said gathering the courage to finally speak.

No emotion behind my voice, no bright smile I always wore, no witty comments or rude jokes. Just an empty shell still trying to figure out what in the hell just happened.

"We will find him," Batman said. His lips were pressed together tightly, his fist clenched, they were turning a ghostly white from the pressure.

"Take her home, Robin. She needs it." Catwoman said patting him in the back.

"I will." He said wrapping an arm around my waist to help steady me.

I hugged him tightly, hanging on for dear life as if I were next.


Brutus opened the door for us to enter, The Cats Prowl. "What's going on?" He asked looking me over, "Vic? Are you alright, what-- What happened?" Brutus rambled.

He was almost like a Dad. So protective, but this is what I needed. To be surrounded by friends.

"I'll be back, Brutus." Robin said walking me up the stairs.

Brutus closed the door and watched us carefully, a sad expression masked his features.

Opening my door I stepped in. "Go ahead and change and I'll be back." Robin said.

I nodded and walked over to the dresser. He closed the door quietly and I could hear his feet softly fading away.

Changing for my suit I threw it in the hamper and crawled into my bed. Staring out of my large window, I watched as soon of the lights in building would turn on, and another would flash off.

Turning over on my side facing the wall, I gripped the covers tighter and was slowly going in and out of consciousness. The bed dipped and a familiar voice filled the quiet room. "Goodnight, Tiger."

Rolling over, I threw an arm over his waist and buried my head into his chest.

Finally drifting off, my dreams were filled with peridot eyes and an amazing Woman.

The feels?
Did it hit them?


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