•Suite Cell•

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  "Your boyfriend bumped into me and knocked a plate of Pizza out of my hand." A familiar voice said, pushing my door open, "but the thing is, the food didn't go onto the floor," December propped a hand on her hip and pointed to the sauce on her shirt, "It went on ME!" She shrieked.

I stood there in my room, totally ready to be tackled by Robin only to find, it was my best friend December.


Did she call Robin my Boyfriend?

"He's not m--" I began.

She held up a hand and wiped a nonexistent tear from her dramatic face, "Save it, Vikki. I already know."

I gapped at her, "What?" Even I don't know.

We are not dating, right?

"I know you guys are. I don't understand why you couldn't tell me, Victoria. I'm your best friend. Why didn't you tell me?" December asked, her bottom lip jutted out in a pout.

A hollow laugh escaped, "December, slow down. We aren't dating, and if we were, I would tell you." I confirmed.

December leaned up against the wall, "Good. So it's okay I broke his arm, right?"

"You What!?" I said, knocking over a lamp.

She smirked at me, "So you are dating?"

I hung my head. There's no quitting with this girl.

"Anyways. Whenever you come to terms with it, let me know. I gotta go change." She said and left the room.

I sat down on my bed, "We are not dating!" I whispered to myself, shaking my head, I propped my chin on the palm of my hand and stared blankly at the ground.


"You were called down here, because I heard someone," Detective Gordon looks over to me, sitting in the chair, "Decided it would be okay to Strangle a prisoner in one of our cages."

Selina smiles, "I know she's a troublesome child.."

I scoff at her accusation. I am not, nor am I a child.

"But.. He's a prisoner, who did something bad. So I really don't think it matters." She said leaning back in her chair.

Gordon lifts his glasses and rubs his eyes, "Right." He says, dragging it out in exhaustion, "So since it doesn't matter, I'll just have her locked in a cozy cell for the night." His nodding towards me.

Selina's smile soon faded off and she glared at him.

Getting up from the chair, I looked over to Gordon, "That man lied, and then asked me to help him get out of here," realizing it sounded like I was going to break him out, I quickly added, "by helping with his case as much as I could, I would help him, but he lied. So I decided I would come here and dare him to lie again."

Gordon slammed a fist down, "My mind is already made up and you will spend two nights in a cell. Act out of line again and it'll be a month, Clark." He said getting up from his chair to take a call.

"Son of a b--"

Getting up from the chair, I whirled around to the door, running out, I knocked into someone who was about to come in.

"Is this the one?" A dark voice asked.

"Yes, and it looks like she was all to ready to go." Gordon said, with a fake smile plastered to his punchable face.

I was cuffed before I could jerk away, and carried roughly down the stairs.

Some of the men in the cages clapped and whistled wildly as I was drug past.

I kicked out and smacked one in the face with the bottom of my shoes.

A collective gasp and I was thrown against a wall.

"Settle down!" The man yelled to everyone in the cells, "Or no food for the week, and double the chores."

Now, other than a splitting headache, I would've been able to hear a pen drop.

"And you," he said grabbing my arm and yanking me up, "it's time to take you to your Suite." He chuckled.


Gordon is really salty. It's probably old age, anyways, hoped you enjoyed the chapter! Vote, comment, follow.
It's appreciated.


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