•Stage One•

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A soft voice echoed, yawning I pulled the covers tighter, and turned over on my side. I heard it again, a voice, soft as silk and it was calling out.

"Tiger, wake up."

Opening my eyes, two sky blue eyes filled my vision and I smiled. Sitting up, I looked over to him.

"Good morning." I said.

He sat there and stared at me, confused. "What is it?" I asked.

He shook his head getting up, "Nothing."

Flipping the covers off of me, I looked out of the window, "I think I need to go check on my Mother. It's been awhile since I've seen her." I said watching a few people walking on the sidewalk, "but what do I even say to her."

Robin came up to me and spun me around, looking at me, he pulled me into a warm hug. "Is that a yes?" I said, muffled.

"Tiger.." He trailed off squeezing my neck.

I stepped back, "What? What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

He shook his head and put a hand up to his eyes, rubbing them. "Your Mother.." Robin said, "she passed away last night." He finished.

I sat down at the chair that was at my desk, "I knew she was sick when I heard her coughing all of the time, but still, I never visited her." I cried.

He put a comforting hand on my shoulder, "She wasn't sick. Antonio killed her.." Robin whispered.

I slumped down in the chair, "I think I need to be alone for a little bit." I spoke.

"Yeah, sure, but I'm here so don't forget that." Robin said opening my door.

I smiled at him, "I won't."

He grinned back and closed the door, his soft, socked feet fading away from the door.

I got up from my chair, opened my drawer, and pulled out my folded suit.

Slipping my gloves on, and putting on my mask, I opened the window and climbed out, scaling the building all the way to the roof.

Sitting on the building edge, I let my feet dangle and looked down towards the ground. A few people were walking, a man and a blonde woman stood in an alleyway to the left of me.

"Are you fûcking kidding me?" The woman shreiked, "you sold my flat iron? What kind of idiot does that?" By the time she had finished, I had climbed down the building carefully and was now walking toward them.

"We needed money, and since you were drinking it all away, I decided to sell it.. You didn't even use it anyway." The man said sheepishly, but by that time the woman reeled back and punched him in the mouth.

He lost his footing and fell back, "I'm sorry," he said with a busted lip, "I was pretty sure you didn't use it." He said putting up a hand.

The woman took out a tazer from her purse an pointed it at him. Reaching out, I swiftly took it from her, and slipped it into one of the pockets on my belt.

The woman turned around, "Who the hell are you!?" She asked angrily.

"Tigergirl." I said, the woman threw her purse at me, catching it I sat it down next to the man who was now getting up.

"This isn't any of your business!" She shreiked.

I tapped my foot, "No? But when you choose to fight on the street about it, then it becomes my business." I said annoyed.

She shook her head and stepped back. "I got it from here, thank you." The man said patting my shoulder.

"Do you know her?!" The woman yelled, and with that she shoved me backwards.

Taking her hand at indescribable speed I pulled her with me and slung her to the ground, "Please don't put your hands on me." I said.

Her head connected with the pavement and she groaned.

"Call an ambulance, and then get her into rehab." I said to the man, turning around I walked away.

Walking to, Jokers Gym, I decided to go in and greet someone.

She was standing at her locker, and she was to busy to even notice me next to her. When she pulled back from her locker she shrieked when her eyes landed on me.

"Who are you?" She said.

I rolled my eyes, "Bekah. Don't be an idiot, it's just a mask."

She shook her head, "Vic?"

I smirked, "Only people I like can call me that, to you it's Victoria. Oh, and thanks for selling me out." I hissed.

She looked down, "I'm sorry but they said--" and with all her rambling she only seemed to piss me off more.

Launching a fist forward, I hit her in the nose, her head was thrown back and she fell over the bench behind her.

"Tell them again and see what happens." I said.

If it wasn't for her, I'm sure my Mother would still be alive. She was the one who ratted me out, that's how they found out what I looked like, asked around, and then found my Mother. Used her as leverage, and then killed her.

Walking out of the gym, I decided to head on home to, The Cats Prowl.

"Victoria?" A voice said from behind me.

"December?" I questioned turning around. She was leaning on the door frame, smiling at me.

"I have so much to tell you." I replied somberly, enveloping her in a hug.

December wrapped an arm around my waist, "I'm listening, Vicki." She whispered.



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