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Sitting at the granite bar, I watched Robin eat a salad. Might I add, he is a very messy boy.

I huffed in disgust as I ate barbecued wings.

"What?" Robin asked with a large green leaf hanging out of his mouth.

I shook my head chuckling, "I don't like salad or eye contact." Wiping my hands on the nearest rag, I looked back over to see Robin staring at me.

He's doing this because I told him it bothered me.


Narrowing my eyes, I reached out and flicked his forehead, "Creep."

Robin rubbed his head and snickered, "I'm worth it."

I got up from the chair, "If you think so, bud."

Is that the sound of being Friendzoned?

He shook his head and finished eating. Leaving Robin at the bar, I walked into Selina's office.

Antony was unconscious and in the far corner of the room. It was crazy to have him so close, but yet not be able to torture him or at least burn him with a hot cattle rod.

That'd be great.

And quite random too.

Light steps made their way to the door, and a brisk voice filled the room.

"Selina. Detective Gordon is here." Brutus said his eyes sweeping over to Antonio.

"Put him away, Brutus.  I will go handle Gordon." She rolled her eyes and sashayed out of the room.

Brutus walked over to Antonio's unconscious form and slapped a pair of cuffs on him.

"Do you need help?" I asked.

Brutus threw Antonio effortlessly over his shoulder, "No, Doll. I got this." His husky voice echoed.

I nodded and turned on my heel to walk out of the room, when I bumped into someone and almost fell into an uncoordinated heap of bones, to the ground.

"Robin, watch where you're--" I looked up and Detective Gordon was there in all his glory.

"Antonio." He said.

I grabbed the knob of the door and attempted to close it, "I'm not sure where his is, Sir." Smiling I plastered on an innocent smile.

Gordon stuck his foot out and stopped me from shutting the door, "I don't think so." He said pushing past me into the room.

Brutus was shoving Antonio into a closet when Detective Gordon coughed.

"He's almost in there, stall him for a little longer, Vic." He said struggling with Antonio's snake like arms.

Gordon shook his head, "Brutus, I'm going to have to ask you to get him out of there."

"How did you even know he was here in the first place?" I questioned.

Gordon grinned, "News gets around that a conference was interrupted, an old man was knocked out and Antonio was kidnapped. He is a Mob Boss after all, Victoria." His answer was almost a "Duh, I know you better than you know yourself, Clark"

I rolled my eyes, "Come on, Gordon."

Brutus took Antonio back out and set him down in a nearby chair, roughly. Antonio groans and his head lulls to the side.

"Do something like this again, Victoria, and you'll be spending a few nights in jail." Gordon threatened putting cuffs on Antonio and standing him up.

I shook my head, defeated, "You got it, Detective."

Gordon left with Antonio two minutes later. After they dissappeared, I flopped down in the chair and sighed.

"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to abduct Antonio." A voice said, their feet padding into the office.

I propped my head into my palms, rubbing my head in frustration, a hand appeared on my shoulder.

"I get it, Tiger. It's hard." Robin said kneeling in front of me.

Pulling him into a tight hug, I sighed into his shoulder. We stayed like that for a few minutes.

"My neck is starting to hurt and I can't breath." He whispered.

"That's okay with me." I smiled tightening my arms.

He poked my side and that was when he made the worst mistake of his life.

I was thrown into a fit of giggles and Robin was also thrown into a desk.

"Damn, Tiger." He groaned.

I stood up and placed a hand on my hip, "I honestly didn't mean to do that, but I suggest you to never tickle me again."

He peeled himself off the desk and kneeled.

"Of course, My Queen." Robin sang, holding up a hand and the other, placed over his heart.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room.

"Hey!" A girlish voice shouted after me.

Tiger. That is really rude of you to say that about Robin.

  Dashing up the stairs I closed my door, but a shoe was blocking it from being closed.

See where it gets you?


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