•Red Frames•

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I changed from my suit into some casual clothes that consisted of a maroon top, jeans, and my favorite converses, I opened the door to the building.

Selina, Batman, and Robin were all climbing the building, while I waltzed in and checked out the lobby.

"Ma'am?" A female voice said.

Turning towards it, I seen a woman with black hair, red framed glasses, and piercing green eyes.

"Are you lost?" She said looking at me distastefully.

I grinned, "Actually, no. I'm where I'm supposed to be, thank you." Walking up to the desk I propped my elbow on to it and turned the computer screen for it to face me, pointing to the first name I seen that resembled anything close to "girlish."

"Ms. Portia Raine." She said narrowing her eyes.

I nodded, "Exactly, can you help me find the meeting I'm supposed to be in?"

She stepped for behind the desk, "Certanly. Number?"

"575." I said.

She walked with me to the elevator but before we got in she pulled me into the nearest broom closet.

"Ms. Raine is a seventy year old scientist. Do better next time, maybe even try a badge?" She suggested, narrowing her eyes.

I smirked, "of course, sorry for being an amateur." Taking the nearest thing from the shelf, which happened to be a small paint can, I slammed it upside her head and watched her take a few steps back.

"I'm writing you up.." She spoke in a drowsy tone holding her head.

I plastered a mortified expression on my face, "Ma'am, did you not see that can fall off?" I asked concern was laced in my voice.

She shook her head furiously, "No, I'm not an idiot. I seen you!" She said, adjusting her bent, red frames.

I patted her shoulder and looked around the small closet, the woman started to stumble, holding her head and trying to steady herself with a nearby shelf, she soon fell over a broom and landed in a heap on the floor.

"Nurse." She whispered.

Taking the chance I asked her what she needed.

"A large glass of wine, and can you watch the kids? It's been ten years since their Father has been home." She hummed, "My name is Rosalyn."

"Take care, Rosalyn." I said stepping out of the closet.

Closing the door, I headed over to the Elevators and pressed the call button.


"Five seventy five...." I rolled my eyes in anticipation as the floor numbers rolled by slowly on the display of the elevator.

I have been in this elevator long enough for Seven men in black suites, two old ladies with matching cat scarves, a small boy and his mother, and they all got on this elevator.

And the terrible elevator music had personally burned itself into my memory, it's ridiculous melody would drive anyone mad.

"Five seventy six." The cold, metal doors opened and I stepped out into the cool hallway.

Going down the left of the hallway, I looked at the signs on the door and hoped I would see "Conference with Antonio" in flashing neon lights hanging over a room.

I shook my head, sadly I didn't see that, and when I finally reached the end of the hallway, I turned and decided to look at the rest of the floor.

Passing a drink machine, I could hear voices fading closer when I walked to the end of the desolate hallway.

"You've done something despicable." A voice boomed.

A fist was slammed down and I could hear something being flipped over, "I know! I messed up, but there was only one way to get out of the building.. So I took it."


Opening the door I walked in and looked at the two men.

One looked around sixty and the other, in their late twenties.

"Miss? This is a private meeting, leave unless it's a message." The old man said, scowling in my direction.

Antonio wasn't here. This was the wrong room.

Adler lied. That crooked con.

"I'm looking for Antony. Do you know where he is?" I asked hopeful.

The man in his late twenties turned to me, "And why are you looking for Antonio?" He asked quizzically.

I smiled, "I'm, Miss Raine. We are scheduled for a meeting to g--"

A familiar voice filled the room, "Yes. Miss Raine is it? Or Clark?"

I spun around on my heel and there in front of me was none other than the demon spawn himself.


Scowling, I walked towards him, "You. I've been looking for you," I growled, "I'm just a girl and you are an Italian Mob boss, but yet, you're hiding? Are you scared, Antony?" I asked gripping his collar, finally reaching him.

"I'm scared of nothing." He said in a low voice, as if he didn't care I was about to scoop his eyes out.

"Of course." I smirked, slamming my fist to the front of his face.

"You're a Psychopath." One of the men behind me said.

Slamming Antonio onto the conference table, I turned to them.

Sucking in a deep breath, I smirked, "I prefer creative."

A vent was thrown open and a black boot could be seen.

"Seli--" I began as a figure shimmied out of the vent and kicked the younger man in the back of the head.

The older man gawked at Selina, I guess she was quite gorgeous, but he was frozen, a glassy stare fixed on her.

Selina grabbed a book and knocked the old man out with it.

She pointed to her eyes, "My gorgeous brown eyes are up here, you pervert."



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