Chapter Three Postcards and Polaroids

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Criss's POV

I rush into the house, leaving behind Jace. I cover my eye with a book. I just need to get up to my room and figure out how to hide this from Auggie, Xander, and Eli. That's gonna be difficult. I run up the stairs, not even looking for any of my brothers. I almost make it to my room, but just my luck I run into someone. We fall to the floor. I peek a look to see Auggie. Great. I'm caught. "Hey lil bro where's the fire?" He asks me

"I uh, I just gotta get to my room." I tell him

I see him get up and he extends his hand out to me. I take it, but try hiding my eye with the book still. "What's wrong?" Auggie asks me 

"Nothing...why?" I ask him

"You're covering up half of your face...with a book. That's very suspicious."

"No it's not."

"And you're talking a lot. I haven't heard you talk this much all week. You're hiding something."

"No I'm not."

"Criss...." He tugs on the book, but I don't lose my grip on it. "Seriously let go." He tells me

I shake my head, refusing to talk now. But that was stupid 'cause he just pulls on the book and takes it from me. "What the hell happend to your face?" He asks me

'What do you mean?' I sign

'Who the hell gave you that black eye?!'

'No one... I fell....'

'Bullshit Criss! Tell me who it is!'

'I don't need you to fight my battles Auggie!'

'Obviously you do! Look at your face!'

'I'm fine!'

'I won't let those stupid jocks think they just kick your ass whenever they feel like it!'

'Auggie just leave it alone!'

'No! They started this! I'm gonna end it.'

'Auggie! You can't!'

"Watch me." He says using his voice

He walks past me, but I grab him by the arm. "God damn it! Listen to me! Don't do this." I beg him

"Why Criss? Why are you so afraid of them?"

Tears start to corrupt my vision. "I can't-I can't tell you." I whisper

"Why not?" He asks me with so much hurt in his tone

"I can't."

"Fine, don't tell me. But I won't let them get away with this." He walks off and leaves me hyperventilating. I run into my room and slam the door. He has no idea what they've done to me. 

Auggie's POV

I stomp my feet all the way down the stairs. "Awww what's wrong?" Jace asks me 

"Criss won't tell me why the fuck he just let's those stupid ass jocks beat the shit out of him whenever they feel like it!" I say angrilly

"Just drop it for now. Leave him alone. He's not gonna budge if we keep bullying him." Jace tells me

"When did you get all smart and what not?"

"I found the brain you left behind years ago."

He starts laughing, he laughs so hard he starts choking on the soda he was drinking. That makes me start laughing. Eli walks into the room and everything goes quiet. It was one of those awkward silences. Jace and I just try to avoid all eye contact with him what-so-ever. Someone taps on my shoulder. I turn to see Eli staring at Jace and I. 'What's with the silence?' Eli signs

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