Chapter Eleven This Love This Hate

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Jace's POV

Happy New Years Eve everyone! From The Moriarty Brothers! Since Christmas wasn't the best we're living it up! "Party!" Eli shouts excitedly as he walks into the house with four cases of beer

"Yuck beer. Where's the good stuff?" I ask him

That's when Xander walks in with the vodka and whiskey. I take one of the bottles from his hands. "Hello Jacky. My best friend." I tell the beautiful Jack Daniels bottle

Xander snatches the bottle from my hands. "Who said we were letting you drink tonight?" He asks me

"I thought...I mean we are throwing a party....." I say confused

"No we're throwing the party. You, Criss and Auggie are the sober minors attending the party." Eli informs me

"How is that fair?" I ask him

"It's not." Xander says

"That's what makes it so funny." Eli says

What assholes they are. Criss comes walking down the stairs. He's wearing a Theory Of A Dead Man shirt with the ribcage of a human skeleton on it and dark blue skinnys. That's what I'm wearing. -_- "Go change." We tell eachother at the exact same time "What? No! You go change!" We do it again! "Stop that!" And again!

"I'm serious Christofer! Go change!" I shout at him

"Make me Jason!"

"Christofer Mikeal Moriarty go change!"

"No! You're not my boss!"

"Yes, I am! I'm older!"

"By ten fucking minutes! Jason Alfredo Moriarty!"





"Hey! Stop it! People are gonna be here in ten minutes! Both of you can go change." Xander orders us

"Ugh fine." We say in unison once again

We glare at eachother then walk up the stairs.

Auggie's POV

I'm texting Lyla while I get dressed. 'Wat r yew wearing tonight?' She texts me

'jst a black button up shirt, skinnys, and converse, nawt much...wbu?'

'a short black tight dress'

'soundz sexxy ;)' Wonder what she's gonna wear under the black dress....

'*rolls eyes* stop thinking abt wat ima wear underneath Auggie'

'wth? hw did u evn kno?'

'yew r my best friend auggie i kno yew'

'rude -_- ima go help the idiots set up, wut time r u gonna be here?'

'arnd 10 c u then'

'kk bye:)'

I go down stairs and see Jace putting in his lip rings. They're neon green. His favorite color. He's wearing an Alesana shirt and red skinnys. Criss walks in wearing a longsleeve plaid dark blue shirt and black skinnys. He's trying to cover his tattooes. He only has four, but they're huge he has our mom's name Yessica Olivia Moriarty tattooed on his right arm in huge bold cursive. Then he has on his back "I need your love like a boy needs his mother's side". He has "The Moriarty Brothers" and "Welcome to the family" tattooed on his left arm. That's all. We all got those four together. He starts taking out his lip rings. 'What are you doing?' I ask him curiously

'I just want to look nice tonight.' He says

'To impress Luke?'


'Don't lie. Stop that! If he really likes you then he likes you the way you are.'

He takes in a deep breath and nods his head. 'You're right.' He signs

'Always am.' I smile then go over to the kitchen. I see Xander dressed up all nice. He's wearing a white button up shirt, a sports jacket, and even a black tie. But I notice something that makes me laugh. He looks at me confused.  'What's so funny?' He signs

'Nervous Xander?' I ask him with a smirk on my face

'No why?'

'Oh, I dunno...maybe it's 'cause you're forgetting something.'

'What? What am I forgetting?'

'Look down.'

He looks down. He looks nice from the waist up, but uh, I'm pretty sure he doesn't want people to come over while he's in boxers.xD. He gasps and I start busting up laughing. He gets so pissed off. He starts yelling, but I know exactly what he just said. He said "Why the fuck didn't anyone tell me!"

He runs out of the room and probably up the stairs to his room to find pants. I turn around to see Criss lauhging and Jace doubled over on the floor clutching his stomach laughing. Then I guess there was a knock at the door because Criss calmed himself and went to the door. He lets in like ten people, all friends of Eli. Eli comes downstiars and the party began....


There are at least fourty people crowded into our living room, yeah our living room's big, but damn! Fourty people! I stand with Lyla on the stairs as the countdown begins. "Five! Four! Three! Two! ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The whole room shouts

I pull Lyla in for a passionate kiss. She tastes so amazing. She runs her fingures in my hair and they get knoted in them. She leads me up the stairs and we go to my room. She pushes onto my bed and straddles me. She smiles and her lips make their way to my neck. I gasp as she finds that sweet spot. I find the zipper to her dress and start to undo it. Before I do I look at her. "You sure?" I ask her

She nods her head and starts to slip out of her dress.

Jace's POV

I walk into Eli's room to find Hanna making out with some friend of Eli's. Oh, my god. I run out of the room and slam the door. "Oh, my god." I gasp

My heart feels like I just had it torn out and stomped on. Hanna soon enough runs out. "Wait! Jason! I can explain!" She begs me

"Save it. We're done." I snap at her


"Just shut the hell up! I don't give a fuck about your stupid lame ass excuse whore!"

She gasps at me. I've never cussed at her before. I've never raised my voice to her. I'm never mean to her. I usually always forgive her. But not this time. I can't do this anymore. "Get the fuck out of my house!" I shout at her

Once I know for sure she's gone I walk down the stairs and slip into the kitchen. I try getting through all the drunk adults, including Xander who's talking to some cute chick and Eli who's playing poker with a bunch of friends. I grab a couple of beers then go to my room. I open the door to see no one's in here so I close the door behind me. I lock it and open my beer. I start chugging it. I loved that bitch! Two fucking years! I wasted two years of my life on her! I sit on my bed and bring my knees to me. Then I just start crying.

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