Chapter Thirteen Nothing good has happened yet.....

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Auggie's POV

So apparently Eli was in jail on Tuesday...something to do with a huge fight that broke out at his work. Dude seriously that's just stupid. But anyways Victoria and him are kinda back together. He's even gonna move in with her. Xander has a new girl friend too! Seriously! I did NOT see that one coming! O.o.

So it's Friday night and we're getting ready to have dinner with everyone. By everyone I mean Xander, Haylee (his new girlfriend), Eli, Vikki, Me, Lyla, Liza, Jace, Luke, and Criss. That's ten people! TEN! Damn! We're eating Chinese food. It's almost eight. Lyla and Liza just got here. Lyla's wearing a strapless white dress with black poka dots, her hair falls in waves down her back and she has a red rose pinned in her hair. "You look beautiful." I tell her

She blushes then kisses me quickly on the cheek. They walk into the house and Liza automatically goes to the kitchen to help Xander. Lyla and I go to sit down on the couch. 'So when does Xander's new girlfriend come?'  Lyla signs

'In about twenty minutes I think. He's really nervous.' I sign

'Aw! Cute!'

'I guess...'

'Don't you want to see him happy?'

'Sure I do. But we don't need something else to fuck this family over.'

'Stop thinking so negativelly Auggie.'

'I'm just being realistic.'


I roll my eyes and she playfully smacks me. I gasp with fake suprise and kiss her. As soon as the kiss becomes just a bit more then just a kiss Liza walks into the room. She smacks me on the back of the head. "Abuse must run in your genes." I tell them, rubbing the back of my head

Lyla blushes and Liza has her go help with dinner. I get up and go upstairs. Jace is getting dressed. "What's up?" I ask him as I sit down on his bed

"I am not looking forward to this dinner...." He says sadly

"What? Why?"

"I'm the only one single!"

"Oh, so what Jace! That means nothing!"

"It's just annoying."

"Shut up Jace."

I turn around and I swear I heard something, but I can barely make it out. I turn back and ask him "What'd you say?"

He shrugs and says "Nothin'..."

I glare at him then decide to just walk away. His immature ass isn't worth getting into a fight. I go to my room and change into a black button up shirt. I fix my hair then try calming down. Where the fuck does Jace get the right to think he can do that?! Seriously he's gonna piss me off.

 Xander's POV

The door bell rings and I run to it. Hayley stands in a short, tight fitting, silver dress, she holds a bottle of wine and is smiling, which makes my heart race. "Hey!" She says excitedly

"Hey come in!" I tell her

She walks in and hands me the glass of wine. I show her to the kitchen table and seat her. I call everyone else down. Once everyone is seated I introuduce her to them. "Haylee these are my brothers Eli, Auggie, Criss, and Jace. This is Victoria, Eli's...girlfriend? This is our good friend Liza and  her sister Lyla, who is also Auggie's girlfriend and this is Luke, Criss's boyfriend." Wow! That's a lot to take in!

"It's nice to meet you." Hayley tells them

I surve dinner and we all sit down. "So Eli you're a tattooe artist?" Hayley asks him

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