Chapter Fourteen This is loyalty; this is a family

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Xander's POV

"I'm okay. I'm okay. I promise." I tell my three brothers

I get into my wheel chair that I have to be in for a couple of weeks. "God. I just-" Eli starts crying before he can finish

Seeing Eli cry kinda weirds me out. "Want me to push you?" Jace asks me

"No thanks. I'm good." I tell him

Lyla walks in with a bouquet of red roses and Liza walks in with a bouquet of lillies. "These are for you." Liza tells me handing them to me

I hand them to Hayley and she places them on the table next to my bed. "Is Auggie out of surgery?" Lyla whispers to me quietly

"Not yet, but soon." I promise her

She nods her head and I see the tears run down her face. This girl really loves him. She has never left his side. No matter what. Criss takes her hand and leads her out of the room. It's almost one. Auggie's been in surgery since ten. He hit his head on the window really hard and got glass stuck in his head. He's now deaf in both ears. It's what caused the crash. "He won't be able to hear anything." Eli sighs sitting down

Vikki looks to Hayley. "Why don't we get coffee?" Vikki asks Hayley

"Sure." Hayley nods her head and grabs her purse. Once they leave Jace does too,

 "I'm gonna go find Criss and Lyla...." He says awkwardly

He closes the door behind him and I loose it. I start crying. "Look what fuck up jobs we're doing Elijah! God I don't think I can do this!" I tell my younger brother

"Hey! You've been doing this for eight years! You're doing a pretty good job!"

"How can you even say that with a straight face?" I ask him

"What are you talking about?"

"I fucked up Eli! All I do is fuck up!"

 "That's not true."

"Yes it is!"

"You've given them anything and everything."

"No I haven't Eli. Don't lie."

"I'm not! If it weren't for you Xander I'd be in jail. The boys would be split up in different foster homes. And if it weren't for these boys you'd'd..."

"Probably dead."

"Yeah. They...they changed us Xander. You're-you're clean..and-and sober. You went to college. You're a lawyer. We aren't living in a cramped apartment or a motel room or on the streets. We have a home. We have food to eat every night. We have clean clothes. Compaired to when we were little we have it all. So don't you dare say we fucked up! We're twenty something Xander! We're suppose to fuck up! It's our job. But you know what we're still alive and we're all still together. This is a family; we are a family. That's never going to change Alexander."

I feel the tears run down my face. "You know...that's exactly like something mom would say." I tell him

He laughs lightly then playfully punches my arm. A doctor walks into my room. The same doctor who examined Auggie when he first went deaf in his right ear. "Mr. Moriarty you're brother is out of surgery. He's awake and he's asking for his brothers." The doctor announced

I nod my head and we head out to find Jace and Criss. We had to tell Lyla that we needed to talk to him before she went in. She was hurt, but she understood. We walk into the room to see Auggie. Nothing's broken. He just has a cuncusion and his head is wrapped up in gauze. Jace automatically opens his mouth then quickly shuts it back up.

'Hey...' Jace signs

Auggie stares at us with big, green, tearful eyes. He just nods his head. 'Don't feel like talking?' I sign

He shakes his head no. 'You wasn't your fault....' Criss signs

Auggie glares at his younger brother. 'Don't even fucking lie. We all know it was my fault.' Auggie finally signs

'No it wasn't! Auggie no one knew that was gonna happen.' Criss signs

 'But I should have known!'

'Auggie just stop blaiming yourself!' Jace signs

'No! I put my brothers in the hospital. I-I put their lives in danger. Hell I put my oldest brother in a fucking wheel chair!' Auggie signs as he starts to get pissed off

'That was not you're fault! And it's not like it's forever.' I sign

Auggie wipes the tears from his face angrilly then says "Leave. I don't want you here."

We all stare at him in pure disbelief, but we all do as he says. Slowly each of us leave the room. First the twins. Then Eli then last but not least I leave. Before I do I see him turn around, curl up in a ball and I hear him sobbing. I just sigh and feel the weight of the world on my shoulders get just that much more heavier. I wheel my self out of the room and run into his doctor. "Give him time. It's a lot to process being fully deaf. No it's not much of a change, but in a way it kinda is...for Auggie anyways." His doctor explains to me

 I nod my head and go back to my room down the hall. I see Lyla waiting. She practically runs to me. "Is he okay?" She asks me woriedly as she wipes the tears from her eyes

"He needs to be alone for a while. He's...adjusting to everything." I tell her

"So I can't see him?"

"I wouldn't if I were you, but uh, if you feel like you have to..."

She nods her head then walks past me as I make my way to my room to find Hayley sitting on my bed with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Is that mine?" I ask her as I suddenly feel a million years old and very, very tired

She smiles then says "If you want it." as she hands it to me

I take it then take a sip of it. I place it down on the night stand next to my bed. I get up slowly and carefully as I try not stepping on my right leg. I hop onto my bed and lay down with Hayley as I wrap my arms around her waist. "Let's sleep." I whisper to her

She nods her head and I watch as her eyes quicky close.

Lyla's POV

'You want to what?!' I sign at my boyfriend as he stares blankly at me

'Like I said...I want to break up.' He signs

'But why?'

'Does it honestly matter?'

'I get you're upset about what happened today....but please Auggie. Don't do this.'

'Why do you want me? Why me Lyla? I'm broken! I just lost whatever hearing I had left. Last night I heard your voice! God I heard your voice. It was like a dream come true then it's just gone! That was it! That's all I'll ever get. My hearing will never magically come back.'

'You don't think I know that Auggie? I love you Auggie, hearing or no hearing. "Broken" or not. That changes nothing. That will never change. I'm not giving up on don't give up on me. That isn't fair to either of us."

He glares at me, becuase he knows I'm right. He caresses my cheek and pulls me in for a kiss. Once our kiss ends he signs 'I'm sorry. I just....I don't know what I was thinking. Forgive me?'

'Of course.' I sign

"Good 'cause I need you Lyla. I love you.'

'I need you too...' More than you know..... 

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