chapter 3

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Hunter up there.

Heavens POV

I didn't want to respond to that question. Omg. WHY!?! He knew it was true. "Yes"I forced a tinny voice out of my mouth. "How did that go"he asked. "Huh"I question. "Tell me the story between you guys"he said sitting on the bed. "Um. Well. I met him when I was fourteen. And I loved him until he got very abusive. He cut me once. That was the night before I left for here. We used to met at 3 in the morning and i told him i was living at 5 then he pulled out his pocket knife saying we were gonna be together for life. And he grabbed my arm to cut. He cut in the same spot. He always told me that this would alway people know im his property. He always found my new numbers and everything. I found it scary but ignored it" I said a little shaky. "Can I see the scar"he asked."I. Um. I was going through something before and after those years to"I said holding up my arm.
He pulled up my sleeve. There were small scars around the largest one. He kissed them. "Its okay"I said. "No its not "he said kissing then. I brought his face up. Don't judge me. I don't know whats going on with me. Maybe casus he cares to listen. And is completely hot. I smashed my lips into his. Was a great thing he responded. We were still having the make out session. Someone walked in. "How could you do this to me. I though you loved me"keth yelled coming in the door and slamming it. "No I don't."I yelled hunter rolled to his back and let out an annoyed groaned. "Keth just shut the fuck up. You guys broke up. Now leave ,you hurt her you idiot"he said about to punch his face. "Come on"keth said grabbing her arm."ow. Keth. Stop"i spat. Hunter grabbed my other hand and pulled and sat me down. "So you love him now"he asked.I spat in his face like he was trash,which he was. "Now you have hunters and my saliva to remind you. I knew about you guys alllll along. You and sky. A whole year. You better leave and be with her"I waved. He stormed out. I herd him yell son of a bitch like he got hurt. I notice I was on hunters lap and blushed. "I'm sorry. But I want you for myself"hunter said holding me. "You left me. That was your choice hunter. That night. You left me."I said in a shaky voice. "I didn't want to"he said holding me tighter. "Hunter. I cheated on him for you and you threw me away"I said in a low voice. Yes. I cheated on keth. I know. Horrible but it was only once while he was over there with that other girl for a year. I was drunk and an idiot. He had no excuse. We were about to be a year. And he did that cheating thing for a year. I only did it once. With hunter. Which was pretty weird in fact. It was a one night stand. Don't get grossed out with me. I will say again , iwas drunk. And well. Look how hot hunter is. Plus I hava had this tinny crush on him since I moved here. "I'm sorry"he whispered. The door flew opened. Hunter quickly pushed me on the bed. Not like that okay. He didnt throw me. He like pushed me to the side so I could be sitting on the side of him. Not on his lap. Okay. It was carry's and mason (her boyfriend). Mason knuckles were a little bruised "What did you do"I asked. "I beat him. But the blood was from earlyer. Me and carry were punch punching bags"mason said showing his and her hands. "My little fighters "I giggle. "we have to have a girls night and talk about all...wait what are you doing with hunter"carry asked. "Um. I um. "I stuttered. Hunter pulled me back onto his lap. "I'm sorry"he said. I got up "bye"I said upset. carrys said bye to her man and he walked her to the car. "Bye hunter"i said. "Im sorry and i really do like you.just think about it"he said. I was about to walk away but he turned me around kissing me. I kissed back then pulled away. I went down stairs. "Hey hun"hunters mom said "hi"i smiled."you guys a thing yet"she asked. "No"I smiled. "Not yet"I said walking out the door. I heard her scream. I love doing that to the poor woman. Thinking were gonna me something. Who knows. Maybe I'm saying the trusth each time I say that. Anyways. So now he wants me? After everything? Now? Ugh. What's ever. I went inside carry's car and she was on the phone. "Hello. Were having a sleep over. Be at my house in 10. Yes. Go to her. Foots"she said hanging up. We drove to her house. Rachel jumped in the cat and gave me footy PJs. She was another best friend but she wasn't with squad "Put them on Lil hoe. Were going to the store"she smirked. Rachel is also my best friend. I changed into it. We all have to same PJs. I love them.
We were adorable. We each had brown slippers for it to. We walked in the store. I looked at my phone. It was 2 in the morning. How long were we at hunters. We got the big thing of ice cream.  Munch's to. A lot of hot chips. Watermelon 7 whip cream cans. Cookies. Oreos. Chocolate. Crakers. Once we got everything we checked out. We got a lot of weird looks. We were dressed as bears. "You guys are adorable"the check out lady says. "Thanks"I giggled. I went to go to the bathroom. But I got pulled "Look. At the cute bear can I take her home"a random guy asked. "No"I pouted. "I picked her up. I can"the guy said checking me out. "Hey baby" Rachel said kissing my cheek. The guy looked shocked and then went inside the bath room. We blew up in laughter. "Holy crap that was great"I laugh. "Fucking low life got me fucked up"she laughted. I got a text from carry's saying she was in the car waiting. We walked to the car. We got home which was a block away from my house. "So what happened with you a hunter"they asked. "Well. I have a secret I have to tell you and then I'll explain the rest. I um. While me and keth were dating I slept with hunter. One night stand. I've always liked him a little. But the next day he wasn't in the room I waited the whole day in there waiting for him. Once he came back I hit him and left. I'm sorry I never told you."I said "its cool. We all have little secrets and we knew you liked hunter. You always drooled over him"they smiled. "Go with the rest of the story"
"Well after that I never told keth and then hunter would always hit on me. Hunter would always being it up sometimes. Keth never new.
Rachel its the rumor at school what happened at lunch. That was trust and then we went to his place and we were talking about my ex using me. And then we kissed. Like 7 times"I blushed. "You guys would be the perfect couple. " Rachel smiled. "He wants me now. But I don't know about this"I said a little worried. "I love you guys together"she smiled. After we ate all the food there was. And everyone feel asleep. Besides me. It was 3 in the morning. My phone started ringing , I picked it up fast. "Hello"I said in a whisper. "You tired"I voice asked. "No why"I smirked knowing who I was. "Met me by the skate park on the corner"hunter asked. I let out a small groan. "Come on please"he begged. "Fine"I rolled my eyes. He hung up. Ohh god where could this lead.

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