chapter 9

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Everyone got in the car. They care lady what ever she is, tried to tell me something but I wouldnt except it. We got to the almost empty mall and I took the girls to get there swimming suits. Kate got one that wasn't bad. It was just black with a little design.
Issa got a blue one that had a little white thing over it. It was cute.

Lissa got a blue bikini with a crop top shirt kinda thing. Ot was actully really cute. I smiled.

Mai had a body for sure

got mine which was okay. It wasnt special .
We grabbed dresses. I got a call. "Have you picked them"she asked. "Yeah but only like 6"i pointed out. "Some will be sent to you later on in the year, your house adress ill text it to you and its all ready to go"he hung up. I got the text and i foward it to hunter. I called him. "Babe, take them shopping, ill pay you back"i promised. "No need darling, since your basically there mother im there father. So, i can spend my money on my kids. Love you baby, bye"he said waiting for a reply. "How did i get so lucky baby, i love you to"i hung up. A zoo was let out in my stomach. I smiled. "You guy are you cute"issa said. I smiled slightly. Lets get you guys some clothes for the new house. We went to the shoe store. We each got like 10 pairs of new shoes. We weny clothes shopped and we each had a bunch of bags. A guy walked up to lissa and they started to talk, issa looked him up and down. "I dont like the looks of this guy"she pointed out. I looked at him to see the same look keth gave me the day we broke up. I walked to them and pulled her away. "Shes has to go"i said. "Well, call me at least, I would like to be friends"he pointed out giving her a paper and walking away. Arms wrapped around my waist and a face was shoved into my neck.i froze. It wasnt hunter though. "Baby"he said smiling. I looked at the girls. "Go find hunter you guy ill be okay, okay"i asked smiling. "Your cheating on hunter"issa snapped. I looked at mai with please eyes. She knew i was in trouble. "Hunter will take us to go get ice cream he promised me in the car, lets go guys"mai smiled. She glanced at me then they ran off. "Those are your kids"he asked. "Yeah,im a foster parent"i said. "Please dont hurt them"i begged. "I dont know the one that lasted talked was pretty cute"he pointed out. "Jace please" i begged. Incase your wondering. The ex that gave me a scar? Yeah. Him. His names jace. He turned me around. "Your gonna go out with me and those kids are gonna like me"he demanded. "No, im in love with hunter and they like him"i shook my head. I already knew if i tried to fight him then i would lose. I might be strong but i sure as hell CAN NOT win against jace. He grabbed my upper arms tight and rised me a bit. "I dont care"he yelled throwing me. I slid across the floor. I let out a scream. "Jace stop"i yelled. He was about to throw a punch but someone grabbed it and easily kneed him in the stomach. "So this is her famous ex, "he asked me grabbing his neck and help him up. I looked down a shamed. Once he noticed that he threw him like a doll and walked to me. He helped me stand and look in his eyes. "Did he touch you or hurt you"he asked me lookin with concern in his eyes. I smiled and told him i was fine. He looked at jace. He bent down to jace who was trying to crawl away. Its kinda funny cause hunter is way more fit then jace. "You ever touch my girl again. We gonna have more then just a little throw around. Dont go near her or our family"he yelled. He looked at all of us and smiled. "Enough shopping for today. Lets go to the beach"he smiled. We all nodded following him quitly. I jogged up to him and held his hand. He looked at me and didnt hold back. I frowned. We got into the car. "Did you expect to see him there. Like did you ask to met"he asked mad. "Of course not. Why would you think that"i asked him. He clenched his jaw. "You were bitching the other day how you didnt call him. Who know, maybe you wanted to see him"he snapped, i flinched. "I didnt met him there. I didnt even know he was there you have no right to snap at me"i yelled back. "I seen the text between you and keth, saying how he miss's you and you miss him"he yelled. I looked at him like he was crazy. "When the fuck was that"i asked. "Keth showed me"he yelled "we bumped into each other after that call"he said. "Babe, i never texted keth"i told him touching his arm. I flinched when he ripped my hand away and parked. "Then what were those text"he asked me. "Do you believe them" " No, but i still need prove i dont wanna be one of those stupid guys. I love you so prove to me "he straight but it kinda sounded helpless. I kissed his nose. I called keth and he answered in a heart beat. "Hello"he asked. I inhaled and started to sniffing. "Hunter broke up with me and said i cheated, you would tell him such a lie"i fake cried. "Haha princess. Looks like the end of the game for you. Man jace and me did good"he smiled. "You made jace text acting like me?" I asked  strict . He laughed at me and hung up. I bowed. The kids clapped while i waved acting like there was other people. They laughed. "Im sorry"hunter was abiut to make a big speech. But i kissed him and held his hand. "Were unbreakable babe"i smiled. We all got out the car and played in the ocean. When it came to like 7 we left. Everyone was so happy. We drove to the house. It was a 2 story. We got everything out and went to the rooms checking it out. On the kitchen counters there was the keys to the house and a roll of money and a note. It said we would get that much to last us a week. The kids went to go find there rooms. I choose the biggest one. I needed my space. "Well this is cool"hunter smiled ,I smiled back. I hugged him and he spinned me around. I loved being with him. "I gotta go babe, my mom wants us to have a family dinner, I would invite you but my brothers a flirt ,love you"he told me. "Okay babe, byes love you"I smiled kissing him . he kissed back. He left. I called everyone down. "Okay listen. We keep this house clean, every year we have the birthday party everyone can invite there friends. Boys or girls. No boyfriends until your older then 13. Every Friday I will allow junk food and movie night but other days I will cook, I'm gonna cook right Now but I need to go to the store, your allowances will be 40 a week but for under 10 it will be 10, your to young to even spend one clothes and all. All right"I asked. They nodded. I gave them each 40 dollars besides mayson and Kate. I walked out and found my car in the drive way. A note that said car returned. I started it up and went to the store. I grabbed a boneless chicken, ground beef, eggs, milk,cookies, and more food that's needed.

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