chapter 4

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Hunters POV

I hung up. An hour ago I was telling them , as in my friends, what happened between me and heaven. They said I was whipped cause of everything. I decided to go to the store and get her some flowers. I walked to the skate park. I seen her sitting on a  bench . "Hey"I said grabbing her shoulder. She seemed to jump. "Shit"she whispered. "Okay I wanted to ask you a question. In person"I smiled. "Yeah"she narrowed her eyes "will you go to the game with me tomorrow and then after we go paint ball shooting as a date"I question. "You want me to go to the game. Ohh yeah I'm head chearleader. This should be normal for all the captions"she said. "No. Cause I like you"I smiled giving her the flowers. They were white roses. "White roses"she smirked admiring them. For some reason she always love hummingbird and white roses. "Yes I will"she smiled looking at the roses. "Thank god" I smiled. "Can I asked why your so about humming bird and white roses." I asked. "My grandpa loves them both "she smiled. "I've always though you lived with your mom"I asked. "When I was 10 she was normal. I even had a little brother that was 5. Dad cheated in her and then she got abusive one us saying we weren't enough. Once I came back from school and my brother had cancer. I went to visit him in the hospital but they told me she injected him with something when they weren't looking"she said coldly. Then smiled"But then my grandpa helped me get over my hate and everything. He saved me. That's who I live with down" "Where's your mom"I asked
"Jail. She has 7 years. Its been 6 years. In 2 months. I have to see her and i don't know what to do"she said. "I'm gonna be there"I promised. She looked up and me and smiled. "Head cheerleader with the head football player. Doesn't that always end up shitty in life"she asked. "Nope. I'm gonna make it right. I promise"I vow. "Good"she smiled. I snaked my hand to hers. "I'm sorry. I really am"I said upset. "Its okay. Now drop me off. I'm tired"she giggled. We walked to carry's house. "Today was fun"she smiled "it really way" I replyed back.

Heavens POV

We were at the front door. He gave me a little kiss. I couldn't help but kiss back. His kisses were sparks on my lips. "Goodnight heaven"he smiled. "Goodnight hunter"I said walking in then closing it. I held the flowers to my face. "I love you"I smiled. "Who's the flowers from"the girls asked. "Um. I picked them"I blushed. "Ohh please. You called her phone that sums us up. And you did not just go get those from the floor. "Um. Hunter gave them to me. And were going to the game together and then after. A. Uh date"I blushed. "Awwwwww"they cheered. We all fell asleep after that.
I woke up at...who knows what time. The game doesn't started till like 3. I walked around the house trying to find the kitchen. Once I magically appeared there. I started making pancakes. By now I was awake and happy. I remember in the middle of my sleep I changed into a big shirt. With small boxer shorts. It got to hot. Anyways. I started making pancakes and turned on the radio. The song sia Chandler came on and I couldn't help but sing to it. Come on. I love that song. "Im gonna swing. From the chandler... From the Chandler. I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist. Like it doesn't exist"I sang. "Hey" a tired voice said. "Oh hi"I smiled. His voice is hot when its sleepy. I can't believe every time I look at him I wanna kiss him. Love sick... Ew. "Hunter, how did you you get in"I asked. "Um. I don't know. I woke up here. I remember going home but. I don't know how I got here"he said rubbing his head "blood. Okay something happened"he said looking at his hand. My head shot to his hand. I seen blood cover his whole hand. "Jesus Christ. We need to get you to a hospital"I said looking at it. "Nahh. I'm fine. I'm just tired. Let me sleep it off"he said. Without even thinking my pasted started hunting me. I ran to him and slapped him. "No. I'm not losing someone else. Let's go to the hospital"I said running to get keys to Rachel car. I dragged him to it. "What do you mean lose someone else"he asked. "My brother died and so did my sister. I'm not letting anyone else die. I'm the only living one"I said stepping on the gas. "You had a sister"he I didn't. Why so I all of a sudden have a sister. "Hunter. Shut up. I'm trying to dodge cars"I said driving faster. "Your gonna kill us both"he said holding on to the handle. "Shush"I shushed him. I ran like 3 red lights before we got there. Hunter was trying to keep his eyes open. I threw the car door open and went to hunters side and threw his door open. I dragged him in the emergency. "Help me"I yelled falling to the floor with him. Doctors rushed to him and one rushed to me. "What happened"they asked. "Hey hit his head or something. His bleeding a lot "I paniced. They took him in and I went after. "We can't have you in there. His going into surgery"the nurse said. "Ohh god"I started to cry. I sat in the waiting room. A few hours passed by. "Hunter"they question. I jumped up and ran to them. "Please tell me his okay"I cried. "I'm not sure. I don't know if his in a coma or resting"he said. "How the hell don't you know. You're a doctor"I yelled. "You can go see him"he said. I looked at him and nodded. I walked in the room. I sat down on the chair. "I'm sorry"I said about to do a big speech. "I'm sorry. I don't wanna lose you hunter.  Hunter. Don't die. Please. Im. I'm in love with you. Don't go. That morning you left I couldn't breath. I was having a panic attack. Don't leave me again"I begged. "That night was a mistake. I used you stupid"he laughed. "Your awake"I said happy. "I used you. Leave I don't wanna see you. I used you. Go"he yelled. "But. What about the game. You asked me. And you said you liked me"I said blinking tears back. "What. I never did that. Your dreaming weirdo. There's not even a game. And what makes you think I would take you if there was on."he said annoyed. I stepped back. I ran out the hospital. I was running a crossed the stree until it went black. I got hit by something. Maybe a car. Ikd but I felt blood running on my face.
My eyes shot open. I yelled. I was on the bed. I felt my face. A dream? It was all a dream. I started crying. A dream. It was a dream. Hunter ran in. "What happened"he yelled looking around. Maybe it was telling me something. That he was using me. I ran to him and checked his head. No blood. I slapped him."you used me that night"I yelled with tears in my eyes. "What"he yelled mad. I hot him again. "One more time you hit me I swear. I'll hit back."he grinded his teeth "I had a dream. You told me'i yelled with tears in my eyes. I started getting shaky to. "A fucking dream. Dreams aren't real"he yelled. "Then. Why did you leave me that morning"I cried out loud and fell to the floor. "You used me that's why. You left cause I was your bestfriend and you didn't wanna really be with me. So you left right"
"Is that what you've been thinking this whole time"he stepped back hurt. Then sat on the floor Indian style and ran his hands through his hair. "Its was a mistake leaving you that morning"he said with his head down but his hands in his hair. "What"I sniffed. "I didn't wanna leave my heart was beating so fast. I wanted to stay with you. But I didn't understand the feelings I had for you. I though it was lust. But it was love. and I was scared. And then I seen you with what ever his name was. I was pissed. I'm sorry. I should have stood"he said into his hands. I crawled to him and sat in his lap. Look at me"I demanded. He looked up. I kissed him. I didn't know what else to do. I didn't have any words. I just wanted him to love me like he says he does. "I love you. A lot. I love you"I cried. "I love you to. I love you a lot to. Will you be my girlfriend. I know I'm probably late. Very late but I still want you to be mine"he said whipping my eyes. I nodded happy and smiled "Let's go the games gonna start and we need to shower"he said picking me up. "What"I blushed. "Calm down. It doesn't have to be together. I'll wait"he said walking into the bath room and turning on the bath. "I'll get you your clothes"he smile walking out.

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