chapter 12

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Heavens POV

Its been a few days since hunter and i have broke up. He hasnt been to school ever since but i have hoping to see him at least. The girls know about it.
I woke up but I didn't wanna dress so much but Mia pick and outfit for me. I threw it on and she did my hair. And put a choker on me

I cooked for everyone and took them to school

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I cooked for everyone and took them to school. Me and Mai walked in and everyone stared at us she went to go hang out with the guy that she likes. Which is mister kinda emo. His name was... I think it was mason. I know it was one of the baby's name. Awww that weird she has a little brother names mayson and a future hubby names mason. I opened my locked and grabbed a book. The locker next to me opened. I looked and it was hunter. Ohh how much I miss seeing him and his eyes. He caught me looking. "Like what you see"he asked. I stood quite. "Your single for a reason. You love to cheat don't you"he asked closing his locker. My eyes watered. "I didn't cheat hunter"I tried . I looked up and he had a girl clinging on to him. He chuckled and her ... Idfk. Its was like a shoot through me. I was pissed now. I slammed the locker and everyone flinched. I pushed the girl and made hunter look at me. "I didn't fucking cheat on you okay? He told me he wanted the best for me so his gonna stay out of our relationship. and we talked about the pasted after that"I snapped. "Stop acting like I fucking did something horrible. Your the one who said you were out with a girl when you were supposed to be with you family"I yelled. Everyone was looking at us. "What" i yelled at them they turned quickly. I grabbed my book tight and walked to my homeroom. My homeroom teacher never liked me cause her and husband got a devoice thanks to my slutty mother and her husband was a pervert. Always tried to get my number. Its started and hunter walked in. I was reading. "Excuse me. Pay attention"she told me. I ignored her. "Just because your boyfriend broke you little heart doesn't mean you can't pay attention"she told me. Everyone gasped and looked at her like she was mental. I looked up . "And just cause you husband divorced you cause he found interest in other wome and couldn't keep his dick in his pants, doesn't mean you can be a bitch to me"I told her. I got up slammed my book and left. "That's wasn't called for"hunter said following me with no effort at all. "Doesn't matter. Bitch made me say it"I said coldly. I walked faster and now he was struggling . I bumped into something and weight was on my body. I felt his hand and knew who it was so quick. "Get off you fat pig"I said pushing him off. I got up and started to walk again. Hunter was pulled into a class room . "wait "keth said. He pulled me hair and slammed against the wall. A breath was slammed out of me. "Listen your gonna date me again"he demanded. "I can't, I will love hunter keth and what's it with guys and making that threat "I told him. He grabbed my hair and dragged me into an empty classroom. "I didn't ask if you love him or not. Your gonna date me"he demanded. I didn't say anything. "Your gonna go out with me or that little girl issa is gonna be dead but I'll make sure she knows hell before"he warned me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. God i hate myself. Hunter walked in. "What's up"he asked. "I just. Um. I just accepted to be his girlfriend again"I told him gulping. "What, but he cheated on you"he told me like I was stupid. "And you did to so why do you care"I asked "I didn't cheat on you I just was trying to make you jealous I'm sorry heaven"he told me. I wrapped my arms around him. He kissed me and I kissed back and sadly I had to pull away. "Bye for now"I said walked out and going to miss class. I opened the door and everyone's head shot to me. "Mai, were going home"I told her " a parent has to pick you up"the teacher said. "Bite Me. And stop making the poor kids get random test. Just tell them so they can study. Goddamn"I said mad. Mai came quickly following me. We got into the care and drove to the house. "We have 4 hours and 30 minutes to watch a bunch of law&order , eat ice cream and cry . I told her. We ate a bucket of ice cream and I explained what was gonna happen if I didn't go out with keth. And he would kill issa I'd anyone knew so to not talk about it. I didn't notice that it was paste the time to pick up the kids. My door opened and the kids rushed in and keth follower inside. "What are you doing here" I asked. "Aren't you gonna tell then who I am "he asked. I looked at the kids. "His my new b-b-boyfriend"I said my eyes watered. "I want hunter , he was a worrier and a prince he treated her like a princess"mayson said. "No such things as that"keth said simply. "His a baby, stop crushing his dreams"I told keth. He grabbed my arm tight and I flinched. "Guys go upstairs and do your homework "I told them. They all rushed besides Grayson. He stood there. "I want hunter"he demanded. "Grayson not right now, go"I told him. He crossed his arms. Keth was about to punch him but I blocked it. Pain went into my stomach "Hey" grayson said softly. "Grayson. Go upstairs its okay"I told him . tears steamed from his eyes and he rushed upstairs to issas room. I was thrown across the room. I held in my crys so the kids didn't have to listen to my screams or pain.

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