chapter 35

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I took off the dress and shoes and jumped in. I climbed in. After I climbed on the rocks and sat on it. I pocked my belly. I sat there for like a hour think about my life. "Heaven"a voice called out. "I'm here I'm here"I said recognizing the voice. I put my sweater dress back on and waited for him. He looked around in amaze. "You kept this from me"he asked. "Well it wasnt a plan you know, i knew you would follow me after a few days and find out about this place"i said. "No, not about this place. About the baby, how much months are you"he asked. "Barley 3 weeks "i said playin with the watet. "Im be a dad"he said with a poker face then smiled and laughed. "A dad"i smiled. He climbed up to put his hand on my stomach. He looked and me and smiled. I did to. I couldnt help it, he wasnt scared or stressed. He was happy and he wanted him or her as much as i did. "Theres no choice now"he said rubbing my tummy. "What"i asked. "Your gonna marry me no choice"he chuckled. I tried to think. If it was really gonna be worth it. What happens if we split up and the kids blame there self. But I don't want mine growing up with some stranger and all. I didn't realize I didn't respond for 5 minutes. He let out a sigh. "I'm not wearing a dress like this, we can wait till after the
Kid"I giggled putting a hand on his and putting my head in his shoulder. "How did your bother die"he asked. "I'm not sure, to be honest never asked"I said. "Ima visit her and ask" I said rubbing my belly. "Well, lets go"he said getting up. I tried to get up but my foot slipped. A pain shot through my whole leg. "Ahhh"I yelled. Hunter grabbed me and sat me back down. I ripped off a sleeve and tied it around my leg. "That's really deep, I'm gonna go get a boat, stay. Here"he told me before trying to run off. "Wait"I called out. "What"he asked. I kissed him. "Hurry up"I demanded. I smiled and wait. After while I started getting dizzy. I layed down for a bit. I startdd walking to the ocean and sat in the shore and waited for him. After an hour he finally came back with a medic. He helped me on a boat and we went back to over there. They took me to a hospital and helped me. It hurt like a bitch but. It was pretty deep. They told hunter that he got there in a perfect time cause if 20 more minutes pasted i could have lost a lot more blood.

Okay guys. I apologize its short but let me explain. During everything. I'm talking about everything. Its been at least a year and a half. I'm end this book a bit early. Sorry for that but when I'm done with the two book I'm making then I promise you. You'll get a second book of this. Where the kids and everyone is grown up and everything. Promise. I'll also give you picture on how they look now. I'm skipping into like 2 year. . thank you for reading. Next chapters coming out as soon as possible.

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