chapter 8

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Issa and Lissa's story.
"We were born into being in foster care. Our mothers gave us up in a heart beat, so we were told. When we were 3 me and lissa met. We became best friend. Where ever she went I went. We've been in houses that have tired to kill us. Starved up, rape up, beat us. We've been abused in every single way there was. Me and lissa would give up. The last house we were in, we got into a fight as school and they beat us and threw us back here. Were both 13"issa explained. "I'm sorry to hear,I promise no one will hurt you when your living with us"I said. They smiled. "Grayson. Would you like to tell the story of you and mayson"I asked. He nodded. "Last family we were in they abused me I would take the hits for mayson. I basically raised him. He's not my real brother but the girl didn't do anything for him so I took care of him and everything. Snuck food, change diapers, bathe, teach him. Everything there was. However. His 5 and I'm 13 so when I was younger I was thrown into houses full of family's that's were some nice and some mentally screwed. They experiment on me. Broke my spirit. And everything. I live to look out for mayson. Nothing other then that. "he said hugging mayson who took a short nap. "I'll give you more then a thousands reasons after we leave."I smiled determined. He chuckled and nodded.
"Kate"I asked. "My mom only starved me. Others family's kids could bully me and hit me. Some parents have sent me to the hospital I'm only 10"she asked soft. I ruffled her hair. "You'll be safe with me. "I smiled. The looked at mia.
"When I was 3 my mom killed herself and my dad left. For a few years I lived with my aunt took me in. When I was 11 I forgot to get her beer and she abused me since. When I turned 13 I got out of the house by running away. I would be in my friends house every here and so for two yearz i did that.I just got here 4 months ago and someone has yet tried to get me out"she said looking away. "I'm here now. And were gonna leave. Promise"I smiled. "What's your story"issa asked. "My story. Is a little depressing then all of yours, I dont think its ment for young ear"I smiled hopelessly. "Please"they begged. I let out a sigh and nodded. "I was only 10. My 5 year old brother had cancer. My dad had cheated and my mother become completely evil. She abused me and I would do anything to keep her happy and nice. It never worked. Before I moved here I had a ex that was crazy. He gave me a scar and would abuse me. I was only 14 I didn't know what love was. Anyways. My brother died cause my mom injected him ,with lord know what. I have another brother but thats not important My mom would abuse me. She went to jail for 6 and a half years. I ended up with my grandpa who was sweet as a cheery. We were so fun. I loved him but he was never home. He was either in the hospital or with his other grand children for his son. I respected that. He only has such little time left. Anyways. I got myself a boyfriend in the beginning of the year of last year and he cheated on me for a stight year. After we broke up I went out with hunter. (Were still dating) . me and hunter broke up for a little while and my mom had came back. I ended up trying to kill myself. Which is horrible don't ever do that! Anyways me and hunter got back together. It was all a miss understanding why we broke up and I've been fine ever since. "I smiled. "Can I see your scars"lissa asked. I showed my arms. Mayson rubbed his eyes and looked around. Then landed on my arms. He jumped up and looked at them amazed. "Your a princess worrier"he yelled. Grayson plamed his head. "Anyone who has this are worriers but your a princess so. That makes you a princess worrier. My brother told me. His a worrier to"he yelled. I smiled at gryason who was blushing embarrassed. I hugged him tight. "Your adorable"I yelled. "You have a boyfriend? Doesn't he treat you like a princess"kate asked with glitter in her eyes. "A soiled one"hunter said dropping the things through the window then coming it. "Hiiii" I smiled. "Hi weird. "He said. I was gonna stand up but he suffled my hair. I pouted. He lifted me up and sat me on his lap. "Okays. Eats"I smiled. I grabbed a slice and took a bite. I feed some to hunter. We all just started talking about random stuff. The kids loved hunter. "Let's go to the beach tomorrow"I said out of no wear. "Ocean"Grayson asked "Yeah. Haven't you been there."I asked. They all shook their head. I gasped. "I'm taking the girls shopping have fun babe"I yelled. I've always wanted a younger sibling to dress up. I sure as hell wasn't gonna have a kid of my own. He rolled his eyes and nodded. "Let's keep guy. Does she wake you guy up at a specific time"I asked. They shook there head. Good, I'm locking my door. "Alright go to sleep guys. Much love"I smiled kissing each one of there head. They went to there rooms. "You'll make a good mom"hunter said. "Does that means you wanna have baby children with me"I laughed. He laughed to. We layed on the bed together. "I'm tired"I said snuggling into his chest. "Same. Go to sleep princess"he kissed my head. I kissed his lips and the curled back into his arms.

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