chapter 16

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After the pool party we were all tired and everything. Carry and Rachel wanted to have a sleep over. So I agreed. Hunter says we have to go to dinner with his family tomorrow. Bitch face then but not now. Me Mia carry Rachel did the most craziest shit ever. We snuck out. We drank we went to a random party. We got back at five. I went to sleep. I woke up around 9. I wasn't hung over or anything. I didn't get drunk off my ass. We took 2 shots. I started making breakfast. Everyone has late start today which I was so greatful and its Friday so its better. I made them breakfast and I dropped off everyone. I got out of my car and everyone was looking at me. The day went by I only seen hunter for the smallest times though. It was finally over. School. Thank you. I started to walk until I remember that I have to see if mias gonna go get a ride from mason. I finally found her and mason. "Hey you guys"I smiled. They looked at each other with pitty. "I'm get a ride from mason and I'm getting the kids for today. Grayson has practice today so he will be home earlier then any of us"Mia told me fast. I shrugged off and started to walk back to the school. Since I have time today I wanna read.
'Is hunter with her'
'Yeah but, his with another girl at this moment. I heard his sneaking behind her back'
I started to walk faster. I know better then to believe that but I've been cheated on and I actually love hunter with everything I got and I better not see him cheating and we just got back together. I walked around looking but I couldn't find him. I started to worry. I got to the schools pool place. Ugh. I hate the doors they take forever to close. I looked, There was hunter and a girl. She was crying but he gave a sweet smile. I was about to call his name but he brought her into a hug. "I love you to"he smiled rubbing her head. The doors finally slammed. I couldn't move. They looked over to the door. Hunters face fell. "Heaven"he called out. I started to run to my car. He chased me. I stopped , turned around and pushed him. "No, future nothing. You lie"I yelled taking off the ring. I held it to my heart for a minute. "Don't"hunter demanded. "Liar"I said throwing it at him. The whole time I have been crying like a baby. I ran to my car. I stood there for about 10 minutes trying to make the tears stop and try whipping them away. I went home. Why does everything always have to be ruined. Its not fair, where in life can I finally have a break. I went to my room and held the picture of me and him close. I know he cheated but I can't let him go. I looked at the picture. Its meant the world to me. I didn't even notice how late it was. Grayson knocked. "Hunters here". My head shot  to the door. "Tell him to leave"I cried. Grayson opened the door and locked it behind him. "What did he do"he asked. "He cheated on me"I cried. He shook his head and walked out . I knew he was gonna talk to hunter or try to. I went to my closest and got everything hunter owned or gave me. I even the picture in there. I told myself a big speech to give him. I walked out with the box, I was shaking like crazy. I went downstairs. Once he seen how broken i looked, he had the most pained look. Like it hurt him. I froze. My speech was gone, my mind was shut down. "Heaven"he called out. "I'm sorry I'm not good enough"I yelled. "I'm sorry. You have to have every perfect thing. I knew I wasn't good enough but I tried . I tried really hard. Sorry"I said dropping the stuff and running back to my room. He tried to chase me but I already shut the door. "I'm sorry, that came out so wrong. I don't love her like that"he tried. He slipped something under the door. I crawled to it. It was my ring. I started to crying again but really hard. "Come to my house at 7"he asked. "Jerk"I mumbled under my breath. "Okay, our relationship its depending on you. If you come then I can show you and tell you everything that happened. If not then. I guess its really over"he said. "If I do go. What do I wear"I asked. "A dress would be nice"he chuckled. "I'll think about it"I said childish. "God I love when your childish"he said. I heard footsteps leave. 
I went to my bed and looked at the ring . he cheated, you shouldn't go. But I do wanna know what happened . he is my future. But he said that about me and told another girl he loved her. But he did say that he did mean it like that. I held up my hand and slipped on the ring. I should at least try to solve this. "So my guess is your not going"Grayson said from the other side. "I will"I said smiling to myself. "Better hurry. Its 7:30"he said. I shot up and ran to my clothes. I grabbed a two piece dress and black heels sadly I didn't notice that they were the highest ones. I ran to my bathroom. And put a little make up on. I started to get in my car when I realized I left my heels in my room I groaned and ran to the door Grayson opened it and gave then to me. I thanked him and ran back to my car. I drove to his house and put the shoes on. I walked in and everyone stared at me. Of course they didn't know me. I tried to find hunter but I couldn't see him. I tapped someone's shoulder. It was the girl from earlier. "Um, I"I stuttered. "Ohh your the girl from earlier. Hi, we didn't get to meet right. I'm happy to see you here"she smiled. I looked at the her and smiled.

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