chapter 7

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I just jumped praying that i would make it. I felt and muscular sleep on my waist. I opened my eyes and hunter was right there holding on to me. I hugged him tight. We need to leave.
"Hey there beautiful"hunter smiled. I smiled back. My mom looked at me from the window. "You little slut. I fucking hate you"she yelled. I seen carry on the phone. "I hate you to"i winked at her. Carry got under the window and put the phone closer but secretly "watch when you get over here im gonna fucking kill you. I should have done it the other day"she yelled "GOT IT ! YOUR GOING TO JAIL LADY"carry yelled. Showed her the phone. Guess she was calling 911. Police sirens came and took her. "Hello. Im your social worker. If you could just follow me"she said grabbing my arm. I pulled it out. "I wanna be with my sisters and my boyfriend"i said hugging hunter. "We have to leave now, im sorry. But they can come if they would like"she smiled. I looked at hunter and the girl. "We can't. We have to explain the her parents"Rachel said. Carrys nodded and so did i. "Im still going my brother can wait"Hunter said. We walked to the car and followed her. Once we got to the building we went to her office. "So heres what were thinking. In a few month you'll will be turn 18 and since your old enough we wanna make you a like a house mom kinda thing"she pointed out. "You will be going to a foster house. You can pick 10 kids that will live in the same house. Its your responsible to make them go to school on time. Eat everyday. and back sure there okay. 4-15 are the kids you can take care of. If you want. No pressure"she smiled. Hunter looked at me. "Would you accept me with kids"i asked. And if he doesnt then were over cause like. I really do wanna do this. "I would expect you no matter what babe. I think you should do it"he smiled slightly. "Awww babe, you just passed. I was gonna do it anyways"i giggled. The girl started to laugh. "Okay. We'll have a house ready for you in 5 day. Its gonna have 8 rooms."she nodded starting up. "Pick the ones you like and act like your gonna be there. Heres the address. Go when ever"she gave me a paper and me and huter went out. We walked to his house. "You never told me you had a brother"i smiled "yeah. He wanted to met you. Hes in the army"he smiled. I nodded smiley. I stopped. "Shit"i said. "What"he asked. Remember the night i came home with you and my ex called. I dditn met him"i said. "So"he asked. "His gonna be pissed"i said. "why do you care of what he feels"he asked. "I dont. I just dont want to get him mad"i pointed out. I got a call. It was him. "Lets just forget about him. Your right. I don't care what he thinks. Im happy and he cant ruin that"I said hanging up. His being a little grumpy. "Okay. I'm sorry. I just don't like him"he smiled kissing my head. Ohh god I love when he does that. We got to Huts house and someone hugged him. "Little brother"a guy yelled. He was in army wear. "Hey, josh"hunter smiled. Josh let go of him and looked at me. "What's her name"he said. "This is my girlfriend, heaven"he smiled. He looked at my neck and little bruises in my arms. "Is this your doing little brother.
"Of course not. Hunter has never hit me. I was living with a horrible family before, and yeah. I apologize for my appearance"I said. He looked at me up and down then smiled. He hugged me tight. "Welcome to the family"he smiled. I smiled back "thank you". I heard his mom screaming she knew it. I got a call, and answered it. "Hello. I need you at the foster so I can show everyone to you"the person from before said I let out a sigh. "Hunter I have to go. There making me go to check out the kids"I pouting. "Let me drop you off"hunter asked. "Your brother just got back. You guy need to spend much time together. Much love goes to you babe" I smiled kissing him. He kissed back. I walked out and started walking. It wasn't far anyways. I walked into the foster. "Guys, come ,come"the lady said. It wasn't the same one. She looked at little bitcher. Everyone lined up. There was about 13 kids. Why not a lot? I don't know. I smiled. "Guys this is heaven. She's new, she was abused I noticed this one small girl flinched at the word. She was about 10.
"Kate"she said. I guess she started listing people.
The little girl who flinched stepped up. She had light brown hair and bright blue eyes. Wow she was adorable

She looked at me a bowed. And stepped back and looked down.
"Mason". He was just adorable. Like it wasn't believable

"Hi! I'm mayson. With a y. People always get weird out by that. You so-"he was cut of cause she pushed him back. "Hey"I yelled and voiced yelled with me. He was about 12 or 13. He was blond and idk what color eyes but they were nice.

"That's Grayson, his brother. Grayson,Mayson,kate leave for now. You won't be having dinner"she yelled. I glared at her and smiled kindly at the kids. I'm take those with me.
"Mia". And 15 year old girl stepped up and stepped back.

. "Rude people do eat. Leave"she said. She walked out rolling her eyes. She showed me a few others she loved. Plus they were being little bitchs to me. She told me I would and showed me to my room. It had a window and a tree. "Mayson,grayson,kate, mia, come here"I called. They came to my room. "Guys sit down. I wanna explain"I said. "You guys. I'm take you guy away from her"I pointed out. "I need to know your guys story so I can help in every way. Is there anyone here who doesn't eat often and is always picked on. They looked on each other. "Lissa and issa"they said. "I'll show you them Mayson said dragging me to two girls.
"She's issa"one said pointing at the light one. "She's lissa"the light one
said pointing at the darker one.
They were reading a book together. I put my hand up to shake there hands but issa jumped on top of lissa. "Don't hurt her"she yelled. I was taken back. "I'm heaven. I wanna save you guys. I will never lay a hand on you. I need your story's thought"I said. They looked at me then looked at each other and nodded. We went back to my room. I called hunter. "Babe can you cover over. Your gonna have to sneak in tho. Bring 3 pizza boxes and a big bucket of ice cream"I smiled. "Have you already found your ten"he asked. "But of course"I smiled. "I'll be there at 11,see you my love"he said. "Bye I love you"I said waiting for him to respond. "I love you to"he said. I hung up. Let's started with the best friends. I smiled.

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