Chapter 1

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Sasha Skies was over getting her heart broken by boys she thought she loved. After getting dumped at prom she swears to herself that she will never fall for another boy until she finished high school. She changes her personality, not letting anything get to her feelings. But when Justin Bieber, the jock that plays girls, starts falling for her, he tries everything to get her. Will Sasha stick to her strict ‘no boys,’ policy or will she fall for him too?

What if she was forced to love him after an incident that happens at a teen party?

Trust Issues

Leaves crunched beneath my feet, the sound becoming too loud for me to bare. I shivered as the cold wind hit my skin, wrapping my arms around my body, rubbing my icy arms. I couldn’t admit to myself that I was lost, no, I wasn’t at all. I was determined to get out of the woods and back to the prom. Not that I wanted to be seen again tonight, not after what had just happened. I tugged onto my dress which was now much more uncomfortable than earlier.

Why did I let you get to me, why?

My heart had shattered once again by someone I thought I loved. I was giving up on love from now on. No more teenage feelings, I wasn’t going to let myself be in a committed relationship again, not until I graduate. I wiped my eyes, not caring about smudging my makeup. I would have already had panda eyes from crying on the way running into these stupid woods.

Okay I admit it, I am definitely lost.


“Sasha, where did you run off to last night? I was looking everywhere for you!”

I rubbed my arm, looking at my feet which were in a black pair of doc martins. She sighed and looked at me, tears now flooding my green eyes. She pulled me into a hug, realising what had happened. I have had my heart broken by yet another boy. Fuck My Life.

“I’m sorry; he doesn’t deserve someone as amazing as you.”

She was right, he didn’t deserve me. He didn’t deserve any love from me, but I gave it to him anyway. Because I was silly and fell for him, like I always did. He probably planned to break my heart in the end, I swear every guy did. But she was wrong about the amazing part, I was far from amazing. If I were amazing I wouldn’t always be in this stupid situation.

But she did make me feel a little better, she always did. That’s why she was my best friend, she knew everything about me. I looked at her, narrowing my eyes, realising her newly cut box fringe and shorter hair that just fell to her shoulders. She obviously cut her hair herself like always; she was talented at it after all.

“Your hair looks pretty, Ally.” I stated, trying to get my mind off last night’s events.
“Thanks’ Sasha.” she smiled, twisting a piece of blonde hair around her index finger.

She waved goodbye after that, informing me that she had to get to history class. I let out a sigh and slowly made my way towards the English classroom. I didn’t mind English, this week we were writing stories in class. I knew what my inspiration could be, my recent heart break. A tear slipped down my cheek and I wiped it away and found my way to a seat at the back of the classroom.

I wasn’t going to be the same anymore, I wasn’t taking crap. I wasn’t letting anything get in my way anymore; I was going to take care of myself. I opened my notebook to a new page and started to write before class had even officially started.

I was a quarter of a page into writing when a shadow covered my book, making me stop to look up. Justin Bieber stood there, looking frustrated.

“Can I help you?” I asked in an un-interested tone.
“You’re in my seat.”
“Think I care? Go sit somewhere else; I’m not moving for you.”
He looked shocked at my reply, and sat in the seat beside mine before smirking.
“What happened to you?”

I didn’t answer his question; I just simply continued writing my story. Normally I would have panicked and moved away from Justin as fast as possible, not wanting to get yelled at by him and his friends. Now, I wasn’t really scared of pain. My body seemed numb, not capable of real feelings anymore.

“Did you hear me?” He asked again.
“Trying not to.”

He chuckled, and smiled at me. I gave him a look as if to say I’m not interested in his creepy behaviour and tried to go back to writing again without him interrupting me. I let my pen glide across the page, writing down whatever first came to my head. I enjoyed writing, especially now when I was letting all my feelings out onto the page, relieving me for a bit.

“What are you writing about?” Justin asks before reaching over to take my notebook away from me, hoping to read my story.

The room was filled with a loud slapping noise that bounced around the room with an echo. Everyone turned to see what it was from, their mouths turning into an ‘o’ shape when they realised it was me who had just slapped Justin, the jock. I heard them whisper to each other, completely aware that I was looking at them.

Justin rubbed at his arm, not expecting to have been hit, especially by someone like me. He shifted in his seat, mumbling an apology under his breath. I accepted, not out loud, but I wasn’t holding something stupid like this against him. What I was holding against him was his way of breaking girls hearts, he was a player.

I will never let myself fall for Justin Bieber.

I was positive he was the one person at this school who I knew would break my heart. I looked over at him, catching him staring back. I looked away quickly, still feeling his eyes on me. What was he staring at?


I ran my hand through my long blonde hair and made my way out of class as fast as possible and heading to the cafeteria. I spent the lesson in silence, writing and not daring to look in Justin’s direction.

“Sasha, wait!” Justin yelled, making me curse under my breath.

I spun around to face him, almost crashing into his chest. I played with the bottom of my dress and looked up at him, waiting for him to speak.

“Can I sit with you at lunch?”

I scoffed and raised my eyebrow at him, he’s kidding right? I shook my head at him and turned away, walking proudly down the corridor. Ally joined me and gave me a friendly smile, I smiled back. My mind was now fully away from last night’s events. I liked acting this way; I will no longer let anything get to me.

“I need to go to my locker first; I’ll meet you at our usual table.”
Ally nodded, “Okay, see you in a minute.”

I stood in front of my locker and opened it putting in my books. I opened my notebook quickly and smiled, reading over the first part of my story proudly, knowing that I was going to ace the assignment. I read over the title again before shoving the book in my locker and walking back towards the cafeteria.

I had titled the book, ‘trust issues.’

Trust Issues [Justin Bieber Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now