Chapter 43

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"Happy Australia Day to all my swagging Australian readers!"

-2 months later-


I couldn’t believe that our daughter was going to be born next week. We were both nervous but excited. I was acting like a five year old who was just told we’re going to Disneyland on the weekend.

This was the beginning of a new life for me; my very own family was starting next week. I didn’t believe that it was wrong we were starting our family so young. I’m thinking of it more as a head start. Sasha dropped out of school which made her quite upset but she knew she had to. I on the other hand stayed; she said she wouldn’t allow us both to leave.

Last week we celebrated Sasha’s eighteenth. The party was only small but it was still fun. We had a fancy dinner out and then came back, had her birthday cake and danced to some music. She didn’t mind it was small; she was too exhausted to have a big eighteenth.

She was thankful for her birthday, she now didn’t think of herself as a teenage knock-up. Many people have their children at eighteen; we didn’t need to tell anyone else who asked that it was an accident. We can just tell them we loved each other and wanted to start our family early.

I liked that version of the story.


My hands linked with Justin’s as we observed the finished nursery. It was breath taking; he had done an amazing job. I didn’t know how I could thank him, he had spent a lot of time in here and he was exhausted.

“Justin...” I breathed, “This is amazing.”



“Well thanks,” he smiled, kissing my head.

“You’re going to be a great dad, you know that?”

He leaned into me, kissing my head again. “Thanks, but I could never beat you.”

“What am I?”

“The world’s best mama.”

I blushed, giggling. I hope what he said was true; I wanted our baby to have the best. Even though we were young parents, both eighteen, she still deserved the best.

The walls were a light pink, all except for the feature wall which was a beautiful shade of violet. Around the bottom of the room, the walls had fairy patterns to make it girly. The ceiling had a weird texture and I looked at Justin confused.

“Wait here.” he shut the purple curtains and switched off the light, then instructed me to look up.

There on the ceiling were small glowing dots. They almost looked like glow worms lit up the room. They weren’t like the glow in the dark stickers; they seemed as small as grains of sand.

“This is amazing,” I spun around slowly, looking at the ceiling. “How did you do this?”

“Doesn’t matter,” he winked. “Do you like it?”

I nodded before continuing to observe the room. The cot was white with light purple and pink sheets and a small stuffed panda bear. The carpet was a soft white, different to the rest of the houses carpet. The wardrobe had big white doors and when you opened it, it smelt of flowers and strawberries. Christmas lights were on the wall and turned on when you opened it.

This was perfect.

“I know she’ll love it.”


Justin’s arms were wrapped around me comfortably as I occupied my cravings. I had a large spoon and a large tub of nutella, eating it straight out of the jar.

“You sure you don’t want to put it on something?”

I shook my head. “No, I’m good.”

He chuckled and went back to focus on the television, every once in a while leaning over and taking a bite off the spoon before it reached my mouth. We were watching old Disney classics and had been for a few hours.

All of a sudden I thought of something. We still hadn’t come up with a baby name. I switched off the television and turned slightly to face Justin.

“What? Why did you turn of the movie? Sleeping Beauty was about to wake up!”

I giggled and shook my head at him. “What are we going to call our baby?”

His hand wiped his face in a thinking manner and frowned, “I have no idea.”

“Well we should, she could pop out anytime in the next week...”

Justin burst out laughing, “Pop out? Lovely.”

“I thought so.” I winked, leaning back on the couch, taking another bite of nutella.

I remembered something my mum had told me when I was young. I had wandered into the kitchen with a million questions. I was curious when I was young and this one thing had been playing on my thoughts for a while.

“Mummy, how did you name me?”

It wasn’t a thought that would normally cross a four year olds mind. She smiled and sat me on her lap telling me the story. She had told me she had no clue what she wanted to name me but at the moment the doctors handed me to her for the first time, she knew straight away.


“Mm?” he raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to speak again.

“I want to do what my mother did with me.”

“What was that?”

“When we hold our baby girl for the first time, we name her then. My mum always said when we meet her, we’ll just know.”

Justin kissed my head. “That seems like a great idea.”

So we were going to wait, and I was happy with our decision.

Just as if she knew we were talking about her I felt something weird inside my stomach. Justin looked at me strangely before noticing something.

“Oh my god.”


And then I realised. 


I know its short but, I wanted it to be a cliff hanger...

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