Chapter 30

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I eventually came out of my room with Justin once he attempted to talk me out of my upsetting thoughts. He was right though, I shouldn’t care what anyone else thought. But I did.

“There she is, told you she’d come around.” Dad looked relieved.

Mum gave me a pissed off look and continued to eat her dinner while Auntie Laura looked at me with an apologetic expression. I nodded, silently forgiving her and a small smile replaced her look. She must have felt terrible, like she was the reason I was locked up in my room. It wasn’t just her though, she just made me realise.

 Justin took a seat next to me at the end of the table, a little away from the rest of my family. I looked down at the full plate in front of me and sighed. This meal used to be my favourite here; I was always excited to eat it as a kid.

It was my Auntie’s famous baked dinner along side with her mouth watering potato salad. I half smiled to myself and looked up at Justin.

“This used to be my favourite.” I whispered to him so nobody else could hear.


I nodded. “You should feel honoured to eat it.”

I thought I was being quiet but when someone else joined our conversation I knew I was wrong.

“Aw, you still like it?” Auntie Laura grinned hopefully.

“Course I do,” I smiled. “How could I not?”

It felt awkward to talk to her now. After I stormed off they all felt like talking to me was dangerous. I wanted to start over but I didn’t know how to.

Maybe I just had to confront her about earlier. As much as I didn’t want to, I eventually had to. I was giving birth to another member of the family...

“I’m sorry about earlier,” I started. “It’s just that I don’t want you all to look at me as a teen knock up.”

“Oh sweetie, I didn’t mean-”

I cut her off. “I know you didn’t. I just don’t want the rest of them to when they come tomorrow. I want this trip to be like old times. On the trip here I finally came to my senses and realised I missed it.”

She leaned over to me smiling and placed her hand on the top of mine. “Okay, let’s start over then, shall we?”

I nodded eagerly. “But first, did dad tell you the story?”

“No, your mother did.”

Knowing that my mother told her, I knew she’d twist up the story. She’d probably never accept my child, her own grandchild.

I frowned and looked over to dad. “Did she tell it right...?”

“I made sure of it.” He nodded.

I turned back to Justin and noticed him already eating. He gave me the thumbs up and I laughed.

“It’s my new favourite. I’m so coming here to visit a lot.” Justin beamed.

This caused the whole table to crack up laughing, even my mother laughed. He lit up the mood, which caused me to squeeze his hand a thankyou under the table.

After dinner Justin was begging me to go for a walk with him. I sighed, explaining that it’s dark. I had almost talked him out of it before Auntie Laura over heard us and told us to go. I had to remind her that its dark outside, which she responded to by handing us a lantern with an already burning candle inside.

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