Chapter 36

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So i'd just like to thank a lot of you for wishing me to get well. I was really sick but it looks like all your kind words seemed to make me a lot better :) So my head ache is gone and I can finally think again. But when do I get the craving to write? 10:30 pm. 

So I have no clue how this chapter sounds as i'm posting it at like midnight with a cold, but enjoy xx :)


We left the next day and I couldn’t be more thankful. My parent’s needed to get back to their jobs and I was pretty much over this family reunion. We packed early this morning and by lunch time we were all standing around the car saying our goodbyes.

Lara was the only one I hugged; I had to hold back my tears when she pulled away. We told each other over and over again how much we’d miss each other. I didn’t even look at Daniel yet he was the main thing on my mind. I slid next to Justin in the car and we linked our hands together. As we drove away I looked through the foggy window at Daniel. I knew I wouldn’t see him for a very long time.

It was just another problem swept under the rug, waiting to attack me when I least expected.


 “You’re so cute.”

“Shut up Justin.”

“No really.”

“How do you find a pregnant lady attractive?”

“You’re so sexy.”

“Shut up!”

I quickened my pace and pryed open the door to the doctor’s. I found a seat and sat down puffing, believe it or not for me that was a work out. This pregnancy had become really tiring and Justin wasn’t exactly helping. Justin came in a few seconds after me with a smirk on his face. He enjoyed taking advantage of my mood swings.

He plonked down in the seat beside me and I frowned at him. Maybe if I give him the silent treatment...

“Miss Skies and Mr Bieber?”


I stood up from my seat, ready to walk into the room we were called from.

“I’ll ignore you after this.” I warned.

He looked like a confused puppy. “What?”

“Nothing.” I winked, turning and walking away.


I was convinced that my girlfriend was insane.

I compliment her and she gets angry. I insult her and she throws things at me. I was playing a game that nobody could win.

I sat inside the room and watched Sasha sit onto the chair. I narrowed my eyes as he eyes lit up when the doctor walked in. He was twenty or so and was handsome. The look on her face frustrated me. I was letting a good looking doctor touch her and I was supposed to sit here and watch?

“Okay, can you lift up your shirt?”

She nodded, pulling up her blouse for him. He smiled and she bit her lip, I was going to go insane.

Breathe Justin, don’t be jealous.

Jealousy always seemed to find me. I had always been jealous when boys were around my girlfriend but more so with Sasha. She was more special to me than the others; I felt something more with her than any other girl.

“Can I have a go?”

The doctor turned to me confused. “What?”

“I mean, I’ve always wanted to give someone an ultra sound.”

“I’m not normally supposed to but okay, I’ll talk you through it.”

I calmed down. If he was allowing me to do this then he had no intentions of touching my girlfriend and I had no reason to be jealous. I was beginning to believe that I was having worse mood swings than Sasha.


I frowned when the doctor allowed Justin to give me an ultra sound. I just wanted to get this over and done with but now that Justin was doing it and turning this into a learning experience this was going to take forever.

“Now do you want to find out the gender of the baby today?”

“Yes.” Justin answered for me.

Justin was overly excited about today; he was dying to know the gender. He said he hadn’t thought about what gender he wanted more, he was too excited to think. I hadn’t really thought about it either come to think of it. My mind was too focused on the weekends events with the relatives.

The next ten minutes consisted of Justin attempting to rub the gel on my stomach and attempting to find the baby on the monitor. I giggled every so often when it tickled me but other than that I was shooting Justin death glares.

“Stop.” the doctor told Justin, “There’s your baby.”

Both mine and Justin’s eyes widened as we stared at the screen. There on that small monitor showed the baby that had been in me for many months. The reason I have had the best relationship of my life. The reason that my mum is angry at me. The reason my protective cousin is at war with me and the reason that I’m insecure about my teen pregnancy image.

This baby has changed my life, and I have to say that I like my life right now. I suddenly don’t care about the fights and my insecurity. This baby had gotten me Justin and they both had gotten me through my trust issues. I was a mother now and I wasn’t facing this alone.

I hadn’t realised I was crying until I notice Justin rushed to my side to wipe my tears and squeeze my hand. I wanted to know more than ever right now and I didn’t seem to mind what gender it was.

A boy would be protective to his younger siblings, he would teach them right from wrong. He would be playful and adventurous. He would be handsome like Justin and would be just like his father. He would be kind and caring but cheeky.

A girl would be pretty and would be daddy’s little girl. I could take her shopping for dresses and paint her room pink. She would have the cutest smile and would always be kind to everyone.

I really didn’t mind the gender, they both sounded perfect to me.

“Congratulations, it’s a girl.”



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Much love, xx 

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