Chapter 3

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I layed down on my bed, still holding my phone to my ear listening to Ally talk about how much she’s over all the homework. I couldn’t agree more, I waste every afternoon writing out of the thick textbooks they gave us. She let out a sigh, clearly showing she was desperate to change the subject.

“I’m chucking a party for my birthday in a few weeks!” Ally said excitedly.
I rolled my eyes even know she couldn’t see me over the phone, “Really? Are your parent’s going to agree with it?”
“Who cares? They’re going to be on a holiday in Paris.”

Don’t get me wrong, I love parties. It was just that I always found boys at parties. I could pull this off, right? I didn’t need to go off kissing boys or anything like normal. The new ‘me’  is controlled and not interested.

“Sound’s good then. We should go shopping tomorrow afternoon?” I suggested, realising tomorrow was Friday.
“That would be great; I need to look for my party outfit!”

Maybe her party might be alright, maybe nothing bad would happen. I just had to stay positive that no boys were going to get in the way. I was just crossing my fingers that nobody liked me in that way. But then there was Justin...I’m not even sure if he liked me in that way. I was hoping he didn’t, he was wasting his time. There was no way I was going to fall for Justin Bieber, ever. I wasn’t going to let him get to me. 


I held my breath and prayed that Justin wasn’t at school today. I had English now and he was probably going to sit next to me like yesterday. I walked into the classroom and looked around, no sign of Justin yet. Then again, I was always early for English class. I took the seat at the back again and got a head start on my writing like yesterday.

Please don’t sit next to me; please don’t sit next to me.

As if on cue, the familiar shadow formed across my desk. I looked up through my lashes to see Justin with a cocky smile on his face. A frown spread across my face but he ignored it, taking a seat next to me.

“Why did you call me a player, Sasha? You normally go for them.”

I held my pen tightly with both hands, ready to snap it.

“Not now Justin.” I said, speaking through my teeth.
“Just hang out with me? You know you want to.”

If it weren’t for his previous comment I would have laughed at him. But nothing would allow me to laugh; I was holding back the urge to punch him in his pretty little face.

“No.” I said firmly, gritting my teeth.
“What can do to make you shut-up?” I said loudly, furious at this point.

He was so annoying, I couldn’t stand him. Why can’t he take no for an answer? I don’t want anything to do with the boy, or any boy for that matter.

“Miss Skies! Stop interrupting this class, is there a problem?” The teacher yelled, making the whole class turn to look at me and Justin.

I sunk in my seat. I didn’t like getting in trouble in my English class. It was my favourite, I always paid attention. Now Justin was ruining everything for me.

“No sir, it was my fault.” Justin spoke out, saving me.
“Well then Mr Bieber, off you go.”

Wow. Justin just saved me from going to the principal’s office, but why? Why would Justin do that for me after how I’ve mistreated him? I frowned, now Justin was stuck in my head. I tried to shake the thoughts away and continue to write but guilt had overcome me. I knew now I had to go find him after class and thank him for taking the bullet for me, that meant being nice to him. 

After class I took my books to my locker and put them in neatly, not wanting to have a messy locker like the people around me. I always got complemented on my neat locker, but that’s not the reason I kept it like that. It was just easier to handle, easier to find my books, I guess.

I made my way through the crowded corridor, everyone heading in the other direction towards the cafeteria. All except for me who was going to go thank the person I was annoyed at in the principal’s office. I approached it and stood by the door, waiting for him exit. A few moments later he did, almost walking into me.

“Sasha?” He asked, taking a step back and looking at me.
“Hey Justin, I just wanted to thank you for taking the blame.”
“No problem shawty.”

Shawty. The way he said it made my heart skip a beat before melting. I liked being called shawty, the way he said it in his Canadian accent was just-

Remember ‘no boys,’ Sasha.

I coughed awkwardly, “Don’t call me that.”
“You don’t need to hide it, you like me. If you didn’t you wouldn’t have come to thank me.”
“There’s a difference between being nice and liking someone, Bieber.”
He laughed, “Well you’re not nice anymore, so it must mean you like me.”
I rolled my eyes, “I haven’t ever talked to you, Bieber.”
“And you call me Bieber,” he smirked, “Only you and my little sister call me that.”

A lump formed in my throat. I surely wasn’t the only one to call him that was I? He was just having me on; he was just setting a trap, hoping I’d fall in it. I wasn’t because once I had fallen in that trap; I knew that my heart would shatter into a million pieces. Too many to pick up, all left behind.

“Goodbye.” I mumbled, walking away and towards the cafeteria.

I wanted school to end now. All I wanted was to go shopping with Ally now to get my mind of him.

I will not let him get to me.


I sat in Ally’s car, flicking through all the radio stations trying to find something decent to listen to on the way to the mall. I come across Nicki Minaj’s song ‘super bass’ and let it play throughout the car.

“Boy you got my heartbeat running away, beating like a drum and it’s coming your way, can’t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass? He’s got that super bass.” We both sung, ending up singing even louder than the music playing.

After another two songs had played we arrived at the mall, parking a close distance to the front entrance. I got out and shut the car door behind me with barely any effort, letting it shut with a small thump.

“Let’s go find some party clothes.” 

Trust Issues [Justin Bieber Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now