Chapter 27

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Guilt. Guilt was something everyone faced throughout their lives. Guilt was something that always ate on our flesh until the problem was resolved. Guilt was something that affected your conscious.

And right now, I had guilt. Guilt like no other. My best friend had trust issues and every time I watched her relationships fail one by one and this time when she finally found peace again, I was the one who pulled her down. I never intended to do it, but I needed to fix it. It was my fault, my problem.


“I’d like a full refund.”

A fourteen year old stood in front of me. She wore designer clothes, her hair was perfectly curled, falling beneath her shoulder and her stuck up attitude was already getting on my nerves.

“What’s the problem?”
She flipped her hair over her shoulder, “Please, as if you wouldn’t notice.”

I tried to keep calm to prevent myself from grabbing her over the counter by her shirt and screaming in her snobby little face. It was the reminded me of a girl one of my ex’s cheated on me with. How could a girl like this be better than me? I don’t know, it has always been a mystery to me.

“Do inform me.” I raised my eyebrow.

“I can smell someone’s perfume on it.” She growled.

She was kidding right?

“Refund it already!”

She really wasn’t...

I chuckled, leaning over the counter closer. “As much as it kills me to catch on to your little plan, remember I was your age three years ago.”

“So you’ve had this problem?”

“Not quite my own.” I sighed, “All you stuck up bratty teenagers think you can get away with buying something and bringing it back. What I smell is fresh perfume, actually. Also a hint of light beer that’s obviously been spilt on here.”

Her eyes widen, but I only continue.

“You can only buy clothes at this boutique, not rent. Sorry.”

With that her face turned bright red with anger, spun around and stormed out, taking her beer strained scarf with her.

I felt a pat on my back and I turned to see Emily smirking, beginning to clap. I could see she was proud of what just happened. I don’t know why, I just wanted to set the brat straight. I shouldn’t be praised, I’m the employee, I was supposed to make the customer happy.

“You may have lost me a customer but that was quite a show. You’re good at this you know; maybe you should be a detective.” She joked.

I already liked this job. My manager was now one of my best friends and I was getting money for my baby. Today was busy; I was desperately looking at the wall clock for the mall to close. Emily must have been desperate too because she approached me, key in hand.

“Let’s go twenty minutes early, we can get a coffee or hot chocolate?”

“Really?” I smiled eager. “I can’t have a coffee though; I’m saving for the little one.” I motioned towards my stomach.

She chuckled, “It’s on me. Now come on, lock the till and let’s get out of here.”


I took another sip of my hot chocolate as I listened to Emily talk about her life at the moment. She too held secrets and pain behind her smiling face. You wouldn’t expect it from her, but it’s there.

I looked down at my phone under the table. I sighed as it lit up with Ally’s name on it. I didn’t know whether to read it or not. My insides were aching from not talking to either of them. I didn’t have to reply...I’ll just read it...

‘Hey Sasha. I was talking to Justin over the break up. I need to talk to you, please come to my house after work?’

Justin told her the story...

Maybe I should talk to her about the situation. My side of the story... who knows what Justin told her. Ally was my best friend, whether or not she was the reason I needed to talk to her. She didn’t intend for that to happen...

“Well I better get going; hope you and your best friend fix up your issues. Bye sweetie, have a good weekend.” Emily smiled and waved goodbye, disappearing into the crowd of people leaving the mall.

I nervously ran a hand through my hair and went back to my phone. I slid my thumbs over the keyboard, texting Ally back.

‘I’ll be there in ten minutes.’


I parked the car outside Ally’s house, sighing and leaning back in my seat. It had just started raining and it was coming down heavy. I liked the rain, especially at night. I found the soft sound of rain hitting the pavement soothing. I wouldn’t mind being a raindrop. Because when I fell, I wouldn’t be alone. I watched the rain become heavier, hoping it would die down before I got out of the car. Those hopes were soon gone when a crack of thunder made me jump from my seat.

I wrapped my jumper around me tightly and looked out the window of the car. If I run I could be under the porch roof within two seconds...

I pushed open the door, kicked it closed with my foot and sprinted to the porch, almost running into the front door. I puffed, looking back at my car and clicking the lock button on the key.

Ally appeared from the front door, a small smile appearing as she spotted my car. She looked around, before her eyes landed on me.

“Sasha! Come inside, you’re drenched.”

She took my arm and pulled me inside. I stood beside the lounge while she left the room mumbling something about a towel. Soon enough she was back, holding a light brown towel and throwing it at me. I thanked her and sat beside her.

I examined her face. Her eyes were full of sadness and looked at me with a hopeful stare. Her smile appeared on her face, but it was obviously fake. She wasn’t happy at all, which told me that she knew she was the reason.

“Ally...” I started.

“No,” she shook her head at me. “Me first.”

I looked down, playing with my hands before settling them on my lap, folded together. She sighed, running a hand through her hair. Her fringe had finally grown out, I had liked it but she apparently got bored with it.

“I’m sorry. I got too clingy, I was just so excited about your baby and I didn’t take notice about Justin. You both needed time together and I took you away from him. I want you to both be together again, I promise not to butt in!”

I half smiled, “See, I don’t know if I can go back. He still hurt me.”

“How so?”

“He yelled, he said some stuff he told me he’d never say. My feelings are still hurt, how can I possibly trust him again?”

She smiled, “Sasha, if you’ve trusted someone through a time like that, they must be trust worthy. He made you trust again, he got you out of that. I can assure you, he didn’t mean it at all.”

A tear slipped down my cheek and she wiped it away, pulling me into a hug. How could the person who caused my relationship go downhill, be just the one to save it?


I'd like to thank @BieberAusSwag who always proof reads my stories and adds amazing lines in my story. She's like my editor, she get's the chapters first hand and emails me my faults. I love her, she's helping me become a better writer.

So her line is this chapter was; "I found the soft sound of rain hitting the pavement soothing. I wouldn’t mind being a raindrop. Because when I fell, I wouldn’t be alone."

She also writes a Bieber Love Story, and it's amazing so i'd really appreciate it if you checked hers out :)

Vote and Review please :) <3  

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