Chapter 20

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I stared up at the roof of Justin’s room, his arms wrapped around me. As I rested my head on his chest all I could hear was the calming sounds of his steady breathing as he slept. We had spent the last hour lying in bed talking about anything that came to mind. Justin told me more about his father and his step brother and sister, Jazmyn & Jaxon.

Justin barely ever see’s them, and he seemed pretty sad when he was talking about them. His parent’s breakup was hard on him, he loved them both with all his heart. But the main person who meant the world to him was his grandpa, who was always there to talk to him.

I really liked Justin’s family though, they sounded so lovely and caring, unlike mine. The only thing I could think to say about my family was ‘non-understanding,’ what does that say about my life? My family were about as bland as plain porridge on an icy winter’s morning.

Since I was a little girl my parents were barely around to talk to or read me bed time stories. There’s a chunk of my childhood that was missing and I didn’t even realise until I heard others talking about it. Once I had realised how different my family was to all of my friends I started to feel upset and different, as if I were from a broken family. But I wasn’t my parents were happy together. It was their work that kept the family from being normal, all the late hours at the office together really affected me. I guess that’s how I learnt to be independent and to teach myself to do anything, without having to be told how to.

Justin groaned in his sleep and tried to turn around, his eyes opening once realising his hands were around something. Me. He caught me staring back and blinked a few times before keeping his eyes open. The moonlight was shining through the curtains, lighting up our faces just enough to see each other. His caramel brown eyes stared back at me, a small smile on his face.

“Why are you awake?” He whispered.
“I was thinking...”
“What about?”
“Things. Go back to sleep, Justin.”
“I can’t knowing you’re awake. I’ll wait for you to fall asleep.”
“I can’t, I have too much on my mind.” I explained in a whispering tone.

He smiled and pulled me back into him, my head back on his chest. One hand was wrapped around me comfortably, the other playing with strands of my hair. I loved the feeling of someone playing with my hair, it was so calming. My eyes began to get heavy and as soon as I started to think about how amazing this was, he started singing softly.

“I already knew you were the best, the coolest girl I know. So prettier than all the rest, the star of my show. So many times I wished, you’d be the one for me, but never knew you’d get like this, girl what you do to me?”

I closed my eyes, taking in the sound of his angelic voice. I had no clue why he never had an interest in becoming a singer, he was so talented.

“You’re really good.” I whispered, rolling back my eyes to see a smile light up his face.

He didn’t answer me, just continued to sing in the moonlight, in hopes to help me sleep.

“You’re who I’m thinking of, girl you ain’t my runner up and no matter what you’re always number one. My prize possession one and only, adore ya girl, I want ya. The one I can’t live without, that’s you, that’s you. You’re my special little lady, the one that makes me crazy. Of all the girls I’ve ever known, it’s you, it’s you. My favourite, my favourite, my favourite, my favourite girl, my favourite girl.”

With that, I was consumed with sleep, a permanent smile on my face.



I heard her breathing change, and I assumed she was asleep as I then heard a quiet snore. I smiled to myself knowing that I got her to sleep. I was thankful that I was good at singing, though I never bothered to use my talents other than around her.

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