Chapter 19

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Thankyou for everyone who's voting for these chapters, makes me want to write even more! Love you all so much :) Hope you like this chapter. 


The range rover came to a stop outside an unfamiliar house. I assumed it was Justin’s when he cut the ignition and stepped out of the car onto the drive way. I didn’t wait for him to open the door for me and stepped out.

“I’ll get your bags.” Justin told me, opening the back and reaching for my black overnight bag.

While he was getting my things I looked up at the two storey house that stood in front of me. It looked spectacular and expensive, better than mine. My mouth opened slightly, amazed. I felt Justin’s hand place itself on my lower back and I looked up, a small smile playing on the ends of my lips. He smiled back, leading me towards the front door in a gesturing manner.

I watched the door swing open, spotting a young looking, short woman. Her brunette hair fell just past her shoulders. Was she Justin’s mother? He had told me she had him at a young age...

“Hey sweetie, you must be Sasha.”
I nodded, putting out my hand for her to shake it. “Hey, nice to meet you.”
She giggled, swatting away my hand and pulling me into a hug.
“This is my mum, Pattie.” Justin said, smirking as Pattie pulled away.
“We hug in this family, not shake hands.”

I heard a small beeping noise go off in the kitchen and Pattie held up her finger, “I have to go finish dinner, but make yourself at home.”

I nodded, and watched her walk quickly to where I assumed the kitchen was. Justin’s hand found mine and he led me towards the stairs, stopping at the bottom. A cute little smile grew onto his face, making me look at him confused. Why was he smiling like that?

“There’s a guestroom but I want you to sleep with me.”
I chuckled, slapping his arm. “I’m sure your mother wouldn’t approve of that.”
He leaned in close, my body tingling as I felt his warm breath on the back of my neck. His lips were less than centimetres from my ear as he began to whisper. “She doesn’t have to know.”

At this point he had me convinced with a yes, but I couldn’t seem to choke out the words while he remained so close to me. I didn’t understand this power he had over me whenever he was so close, it was like he had hypnotized me to be frozen in my place.  

He pulled away to look at me properly as if I was supposed to answer him. I don’t recall it being a question. I smirked and raised an eyebrow, “Can you take me to my room?”
“You mean my room?”
I sighed, “No, the guest room.”

His face turned into a pout when I said that and he let go of my hand, walking up the stairs miserable. Was he trying to make me feel bad or did he usually act like a six year old? I followed him up the stairs and we stopped at a wooden door, Justin turned to me, a miserable look still planted on his face.

Now it was my turn.

I leaned in, his eyes widening as I did so. My lips ever so close to his ear, I whispered softly. “Maybe, I might join you later...maybe.” I pulled away, giving a flirtatious look before opening the wooden door and closing it behind me, leaving him standing there frozen.

I turned on the light, brightening the room so I could now see. It was really big, with a king sized mattress in the centre. The bed had a floral pattern and had many cushions scattered neatly across the top half of the bed. I placed my black overnight bag on the floor beside the bed and sat down. The bed felt like a cloud, much softer than mine at home. I looked around the room, trying to get the ‘home’ thought from my mind. I didn’t want to go back there for a while; I needed time away from her. I put my hand on my stomach, it was only the slightest bit bigger and from looking at it, you couldn’t tell I was pregnant unless you looked really close. I wanted it to stay like that for a while; I didn’t need the rumours starting at school yet.

I had never trusted a guy so much in my life; maybe I could give Justin a chance. I mean, I liked him a bit, but if I allowed myself to like him, I’m sure I’d like him a lot more. What if that was the answer to getting rid of my trust issues? Trusting my best friend to date me, maybe that could make me feel whole again. Being with my baby’s father sounded right, then if it doesn’t work I can always tell my child that I tried. I wouldn’t want to tell them that I was too scared to date their father.

I picked up my bag from the floor and carried it towards the door, leaving the spectacular bedroom and walking out the door. I closed it and walked down the hallway, looking at each door, hoping to find Justin’s. I came across one with a hockey stick resting on the wall beside and assumed it was his. I knocked on the door lightly and heard Justin tell me to come in. I was right.

Justin smiled as he saw me enter, his eyes travelling down my body until reaching the bag which was firmly clutched in my hand. His eyes widened, a smirk growing on his face.

“I decided to stay in your room.” I told him.

I wasn’t going to tell him that I was going to start liking him back; he could work that out himself. Because if he knew, does it really make it that special?

“That’s great; you can leave your bag on the floor and play some Xbox with me, if you like...”

I chuckled, putting the bag on the floor and collapsing into a bean bag beside him. “Sure, I’d love to play.”


I watched as Pattie placed a white plate in front of me filled with a delicious looking baked dinner piled on it. Justin was sitting beside me and Pattie sat opposite us, a smile never leaving her face.

“So, tell me about yourself.” Pattie asked me.
“Uh...” I started thinking; it was if when she asked me that it removed who I was from my mind.
“She’s smart.” Justin said, helping me out.
“I’m not really,” I spat.
“Her locker is pretty much the only neat one in the school.”
“No it’s n-”
“She loooves me.” Justin said, putting emphasis on the ‘love.’
I rolled my eyes, “Justin, none of that is true.”

“You two are so cute, I still don’t get why you’re not going out.” Pattie told me, making me almost choke on the first bite of a baked potato.
“I don’t want a relationship at the moment; I’m still recovering from many bad break ups.” I told her.
“Well, from what I’ve heard from Justin, I can assure you, breaking your heart would be the last thing he’d ever want to do to you.”

I smiled, taking another bite of potato. Pattie smiled back and began to eat and as I looked at Justin, I could have sworn I saw a blush as he sunk slowly in his seat.


I stepped out of the bathroom, now wearing my pyjamas and walked towards Justin. I attempted to keep my eyes from popping out of my eyes when I saw him. He was propped up in bed, wearing no shirt. He lifted up the covers, patting the part of the bed beside him, asking me to join him.

I slid into the covers and he instantly put his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. I chuckled, trying to escape his arms. He was obviously stronger and won though, making me give up and lay in his arms.

“My mum is right you know...” He whispered in my ear, giving me Goosebumps.
“What about?”
“I could never, ever, break your heart.”

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