Chapter 39

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All the breakups did teach me something. I wasn’t as oblivious towards boys as others, I was aware that eventually, they will hurt you. I feared that silently about Justin. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me now, but eventually, he was going to.

Love never seemed to find me; I could never live happily ever after.

“Hey, come in, don’t be shy.” Ally giggled, opening the door to her home.

I walked in, pulling Justin behind me, our hands not separating. I spotted Mason sitting on the couch smiling at us. Mason looked good, I had to admit. He was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt. His hear was gelled like normal and his smile almost convinced me he was friendly.

Justin pulled his hand from mine, moving it to the small of my back. He was being protective of me now that Mason was in our presence.

“So, I’m going to go start cooking. Join me Sasha?”

I looked at Justin for his approval and he nodded. “Okay, coming.”

I followed Ally into the kitchen and when we were finally out of view she took both of my hands excitedly. I could guess what it was about by the look in her eyes. I instantly wanted to get away from her.

“You didn’t...”

She nodded grinning.

“No! Ugh, why?!”

“Well after you left, Mason was so happy you allowed us to be together. So he kissed me and things got heated up and-”

“Oh my god, stop!” I interrupted her and pretended to throw up, but it wasn’t exactly a lie. I really wanted to. The thought of her being intimate with that jerk made me sick.

She laughed, pulling out some meat from the fridge. “Okay, I’ll shut up.”

I chuckled, leaning on the kitchen bench. I watched her prepare the meat for the next ten minutes. She didn’t let me help so we just chatted and I told her all about the ski trip, including my fight with Daniel.

I didn’t tell her about the clash with the skier and the effect it had on my baby though. She would freak out; I had to be sure it was correct before telling her.

“I need to go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” she told me as she walked out of the room.

I decided to stay and continue sipping my lemonade. The bubbled fizzed and tickled my throat as I drunk and I let out an ‘ah,’ after each sip. It was the nicest lemonade, probably because Ally made it.

“Hey.” Mason appeared as I placed my cup down on the table.

I pursed my lips as he walked closer, standing dangerously close in front of me. I held my breath and watched him as he smirked.

“I missed you Sasha, I really did.”

“You could have had me, but you chose to let me go.”

He stepped closer, running his finger across the bench, his eyes not breaking contact with mine. I wasn’t looking at his the whole time, I watched worriedly as his finger trailed across the bench towards me.

“What do you want?” I hissed.

“You.” he admitted. “I want you, leave him and I will love you forever.”

I shook my head, “I don’t date jerks.”

He took my hand and I couldn’t pull away. I was frozen at his touch and scared. The memory flashed back into my mind and I couldn’t shake it away. He had me cornered, there was nowhere to run and my body didn’t allow me to scream. The same finger that was trailing the bench, trailed up my arm.

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