Chapter 41

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Hey guys. 

Just a few messages, please read it's important :) 

I'm sorry it's taken me up to a week to update. I just couldn't get around to writing the chapter but I wrote it tonight :) I haven't edited it so i'm sorry if there's mistakes, I was in a rush. I'm starting school again tomorrow which sucks because I won't be uploading as much. This story will probably average at two updates a week and my Jason McCann story will be every one or two weeks.

Thanks for your patience, I hope you enjoy this chapter though.


My night had become a sunny dawn because of Justin. Justin had become my everything; he was everything I ever needed. I honestly didn’t know how I had lived without him before this, maybe I didn’t live at all.

Now that I think about it, I didn’t live at all. I lived in a cruel, heartbroken way where I believed nothing but lies. I was glad I waited this time; I didn’t rush into it like I always did. I waited until I was sure I couldn’t love another soul and that I couldn’t breathe without his presence.

The way Justin’s eyes sparkled into mine made my heart flip flop. He had just told me he loved me and had pulled me into a big hug. Justin’s comforting embrace made my heart rate steady and my smile grow.

“Sasha, can I tell you something?”

“Yeah,” I breathed. “Of course.”

“I’ve never told anyone I’ve loved them before.”

My eyes widened and I wished I could tell him the same. Justin was loving for the first time; I was loving for the billionth.

I half smiled, pulling back from him to take his hands in mine. “I have. Many times as you know. But really, I didn’t know love then like I do now.”

He nodded understanding. “I would never lie to you, I promise.”

“I know.” I grinned.

I just wonder how long this new happiness will last.

-1 month later-

We hadn’t gotten around to telling Ally the news yet. We had gone for another ultrasound but they were still unsure. I was upset ad confused, my pregnancy hormones weren’t helping with the matter either.

We had just finished yet another and I braced myself for the bad news when the nurse asked to speak to me privately without my father in the room. I sighed and nodded, asking my father to leave for a moment.

“The thing is,” she let out a big breath. “This is a rare case and due to position of the baby, we won’t be able to confirm anything until the birth.”


“I’m really sorry; I guess this is one of those times where we need to stay positive.”

I nodded agreeing. But how do you stay so positive and calm when it involves your child?

We walked out and told my dad the news before telling him he can go home himself because I wanted to go shopping. Well, window shopping actually.


I stopped in my tracks, tugging on Justin’s arm for him to stop and follow me to the store’s window. Before my eyes were the most stunning pair of heels on earth, I ignored the 900 hundred dollar price tag and gaped.

Then came the sadness of it all, I couldn’t ever have those heels. The black wedged heels would never touch my feet in my life. With the baby, I couldn’t afford something like that. I shook my head; maybe I could just try them on and then say they weren’t for me?

“Justin, can I try them on?”

He shook his head, furrowing his eyebrows. “Sasha, they’re almost a grand.”

“I’m not buying them; I just want to try them.”

“You can’t wear heels.”


“You’re pregnant Sasha; you have to lose some things in order to create a miracle.”

And then like the mature seventeen year old I was, I pouted and continued to walk, sulking like a five year old who didn’t get their way. Justin didn’t hug me though, he just cracked up laughing, mumbling about my mood swings.

“I think we should tell Ally, you know?”

Justin sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I need another opinion.”

“By who?” I crossed my arms.

“Your other mood,” he chuckled lightly.

“Oh ha-ha.” I rolled my eyes, “Now that we know we can’t find out so it’s a 50/50 chance, we should let her know.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I think so, but you better hold my hand.”

“I’d hold your hand anyway.” He chuckled, giving my hand a squeeze.



I had been receiving text messages from Mason since the incident. He had informed me that Justin gave him nasty cuts and bruises. I had rolled my eyes and set the phone down when it buzzed again. He had told me about the next incident, the one that had made me scared to get on Justin’s bad side.

This was a month ago now and it didn’t really bother me as much. It sat at the back of my mind, only coming back when my phone buzzed with Mason’s ringtone. When it did I thought of Mason clutching his side with his two broken ribs and his crooked nose that had also broken in the fight.

I had thought Justin looked bad that night, but he wasn’t bad at all comparing.

A knock filled my ears and I stood quickly, yelling out that I was coming. When I reached the door, I met Justin’s eyes. They weren’t like how I imagined though, his eyes were currently peaceful.

“Hey Ally, are you busy?”

I shook my head, “No. Come inside.”

Justin entered, followed by Sasha who he was pulling behind him. Once they were inside, I shut the door quietly as Justin wrapped his arm around Sasha’s waist. He looked nervous and Sasha still hadn’t said a word. I assumed it was a mood swing of hers and ignored it, deciding to ask what was wrong with Justin.

“What’s up?”

“We uh, wanted to come and tell you some news.”

“Oh, uh. Sure.” I furrowed my eyebrows and sat on the lounge.

They sat opposite me and Sasha finally spoke, “It’s about the baby.”

My eyes widened and my heart raced. I didn’t want to hear bad news about the baby.


“When we went to the snow, Sasha was hit by a skier.”

I got a weird feeling in my stomach and I suddenly felt sick. I nodded for them to go on.

“And we thought nothing of it but then we had her ultrasound before the Mason incident.” Justin sighed. “The baby may be deformed.”

“Did you go back and check again?”

Justin nodded. “Many times. They can’t be sure because of the baby’s position.”

“So we won’t know?”

He shook his head and I sunk in my seat. I felt terrible, I felt so bad for Sasha who still sat upset, safe in Justin’s arms. Justin was trying to put on a brave face that I knew Sasha was falling. Justin wasn’t brave at this moment at all, he was scared.

All I could mumble was, “I’m so sorry.” 


So, Ally know knows! How do you think she'll fully react to it  when it fully sinks in?  


Can you please leave a comment and tell me who you're favourite person's 'point of view' is? :) The character who get's the most will be the biggest POV in the next chapter! :)

Votes and Reviews motivate me and I love them :) The more reviews and votes, the more regular I'll want to update ;) xo 

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