Vern Tessio

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You passed by the "nerds" table and watched them become silent when you and your friends walked by. You weren't really popular, but around your friends you were. You were considered the leader of the group.

You made your way to your lunch table and set down your tray.

"Hey Y/N, you better run. I heard that Vern Tessio likes you and wants to ask you out." Your best friend giggled and pointed towards one of the nerds.

A boy with chubby cheeks ((I LOVE VERNO)) dropped his head quickly when you two made eye contact.

His friends began to bother him and he looked back up with a flushed face.

"Aw, he's cute!" You said to no one in particular.

"You think so? Hm, I guess I can ship it. I think you're kinda taller," another one of your friends shrugged.

You all laughed and soon the bell rang, indicating it was the end of lunch. You and your friends dispersed, causing you to look like a loner in the middle of the yard.

You packed up your stuff and headed for your next class, science. Luckily, you had science with Vern. So, maybe you could talk to him.

It was your favorite class because you could choose whatever seat to sit in, and homework was really easy.

You scanned the room for Vern and spotted him sitting next to his friend, Teddy.

Teddy nudged Vern and pushed his glasses up his nose when you walked over.

"Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?" You asked politely and smiled.

Vern stuttered,"N-no." He nudged Teddy back and began to turn red when you sat next to him.

"Verno, I think the front seat is calling my name. I gotta go." Teddy stifled a laugh and left the two of you.

"B-but---" Vern slumped.

The bell rang and sadly nothing happened between you and Vern. Neither of you said a single word the whole class!

You sadly packed up your stuff and headed out the door.

"Y/N! Wait!" Vern caught up with you, almost tripping over his own feet as he did so. "I want to tell you something."

"Yeah?" You smiled hopefully.

"I-I like you. Sincerely!" Vern nodded eagerly.

"Aw, Vern!" You placed a kiss on his cheek before walking away. He giggled ((CUTIE PIE)) and his hand flew up to his face.

"Way to go Vern!" Teddy slapped him on the back as you walked away.

"Teddy, I think I'm in love." Vern sighed dreamily once you were out of sight.


awh verno
okay so the gordie imagine is 200+ words but everything else is at least above 400+
idk i find that weird lol
thank you guys so much for the reads & votes!!

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