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This is Know Your Enemy by Green Day.

Chapter 2
Iden's POV.

The bus stopped at my school and the doors swung open.The kids poured out and I held Helena's wrist to hold her back from going.After everyone else,I let her go.She glared at me and dragged me out of the bus.

A familiar blonde haired girl was looking around the buses to find us.

"Jerry!"Helena called,waving.

Jerusha turned and smiled,"Helly,"she nodded to me,"Rocker."
When she reached us she handed us...test notes.


"They were given yesterday,"we looked at her confused.

She rolled her eyes,"While you guys were talking in the bathroom.I actually pay attention at times."

Me and Helena exploded with laughter as Jerusha followed us into the school.As I stepped in,I saw Angelina surrounded by her minions.

"Walk fast,walk fast,"I whispered and covered the side of my face with hair,"Math isn't that far..."


I swore,smiled,and turned around,"Hey,Angelina.I'm running late...I have to study."

"Oh,you can lose a few minutes talking to your best friend,"she said walking over.

I shook my head,"Seriously-"

"No,come on-"

"I.Said.I have to study.Leave.Me.Alone before a knock you one!"I said,snapping.It depends on who you were on how fast I snapped,and Angelina,it only took a few seconds.But then she won.Each time.
I took a deep breath.I needed to learn to control my anger,one day it could get me killed or worse.But what's worst than death?

After you die,there's no coming back.No changing what you did.You left a legacy that would run through the stories of the family.

"Iden!"Helena snapped a finger in front of my face,"What is with you today?"

I shook my head,as if to clear it,"I don't know.Let's go."
I sulked to the Math class and sat down at my desk in the second to last row more toward the left.Helena and Jerusha walked by the door and Helena went to her History class while Jerusha went to Reading.

I pulled a book,Inkheart by Cornelia Funke out.It was the first in the series(Inkheart,Inkspell,Inkdeath)and was one of the best books I've ever read.

My class was rowdy as we waited for Mr.Seirman.A peice of paper hit my head and I picked it up,aimlessly threw it back,then read on.

"Take the paper!"a boy ordered,throwing it at me again.

I mumbled and opened the paper,almost dropping dead at the sight.It was a graveyard,filled of hands sticking up out of the graves.One grave read...oh,my God...my mother's name.I threw the paper and glared at the boy.

"Nice drawing,right?"

"No,it's the lamest thing I've ever seen!Now,leave me alone,"I held up my book,"Before you get it!"

Everyone in the class knew,if I threatened you with a book,you'd most likely get it if you didn't stop.One time last year,a kid took my Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire book.Big mistake.I got his arm in the right place and it was painful.You mess with a kid with a 734 page book that's hard back...just don't do that.

Mr.Seirman walked into the room,then and glared at me.
Putting my book down,I realized I'd forgotten to study.

I raised my hand,"Umm...sir,was there a test today?"

Mr.Seirman nodded,"Yes,there was,Iden."

My heart fell to my stomach and my head started to hurt.My mom would kill me if I failed.This is why I hate school.You have to worry about upsetting your parents if you get bad grades and it's a lot of stress to put on your soldiers.If you think it's better having one parent that yells at you,you are so wrong.The one parent is the mother and father at the same time,so they could be sympathetic one minute and stone cold the next.

"We're starting the test now,"Mr.Seirman said,interrupting my thoughts.

Gulping,I quickly scrolled through the study guide and smiled when I saw it was on the World Wars.I did pretty good in these parts of History.As he handed out the papers the room quieted.When he reached me,he glared at me once more and placed it down.

Mr.Seirman never liked me.I was that one kid that stuck out in class no one wants to teach.Starting the test,I noticed the questions were quite simple.Nothing I couldn't do.

Dean's POV.

I pulled up to the school the girl in the AC/DC shirt had said was closest.We had followed far behind and had finally deemed it safe to come in.

"Come on,Sammy,"I opened the door and slammed it shut.Sam did the same.

"Dean,you're sure this girl's family is the next vic?"Sam asked.

I nodded,"I'm sure.The shape shifter has been following along the lines of kids with a single parent.Is this the first time one's followed an MO?"

Sam shrugged,"I'm sure Dad or Bobby had one like that.After this I'll look through Dad's journal to see anything."

We opened the door and walked for the principal's office.Teachers walked through the halls and watched us as they passed.Had they never had men in suits in their school?

Sam opened the principal's office door and stepped inside.A man was sitting in the seat,his name tag on his desk reading Principal Shiremiar.

"I'm Mr.Smith,"Sam said holding up his badge,"This is Mr.Lennon."
I held my badge up.

"Yes,how may I help you?"he said.

"We would like to see the file of Iden Armstrong,"I replied.

"What does the FBI need with her?"the principal asked.

"Private.May we as we the file?"Sam asked.

"We don't have an Iden Armstrong,I'm afraid."

"Do you have an Iden?"I asked flatly.

He nodded and grabbed a file reading Iden...Winchester?Me and Sam shared a glance and I was handed the file.We knew no one else named Winchester other than ourselves and family.

I opened the file.

Name:Iden Winchester


Hair Color:Brown

Eye Color:Hazel.

Parental Figure:Olivia Armstrong

That name was so familiar.I looked on.You had the usual allergies and blah blah blah.

My eyes traveled to the picture and I saw the girl who pointed me to the 'Yellow Thing With Screaming Kids' and was wearing the ACDC shirt.In this photo she was in a grey tank top with a plaid over shirt...nice choice on the plaid.

"Isn't that the girl that pointed us to-"

"Yea,"I shut it and had that 'I Hate Life Logic' look,"That's her."

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