Who Is It

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Chapter 6
Iden's POV.

We arrived at a WW2(World War 2)base(or it looked like it).

I got out of the Impala with Ghost and my luggage.Taking in a deep breath of fresh air,I clutched the necklace.I needed to find out who my dad was,maybe I could stay with him.But...what if he didn't want me?

I shook the thought away and walked inside the base.The lights came on and Sam shut the door behind me.

"Where's Dean?"

"He's getting food.You like cheeseburgers?"Sam replied.

I shrugged,"They're tolerable."

I went to walk away.

"Hey,if you need anything,just come ask me,"Sam said.

I turned around and nodded,"There is something.Tomorrow could you take me to a place so I can see who my dad is?I don't know him and this was his necklace,"I held it up.

Sam did a double take,shook his head,and nodded,"Yea,I'll ask Dean if I can borrow the Impala and we'll go."

I nodded and smiled,"Thanks.And one more thing,why do you hunt things that try to kill you?"

He shrugged,"Family business."

He showed me to my room(a plain grey room with a cot)and went to the main area while I unpacked.My phone was in my suit case and I stared at my mom's contact.Slowly,I deleted it.I signed and looked at Jerusha's and Helena's contacts.Peter didn't have a phone due to strict parents.

I turned my phone off and tossed it onto the cot.Ghost slid through the door and jumped on the bed next to it.He looked upset.

"I know,Ghost.I'm upset about Mom,too."

He groomed himself and I sighed,"You don't care.Probably don't even notice she's gone."

I sat my books under the bed(Inkheart,Percy Jackson The Lightning Theif,and Allegiant.),picked up my phone,layed down,and stared at the ceiling.

A few minutes later someone knocked on the door.I sat up quickly.

"Hey,it's Sam.Dean's hear with food."

With a sigh of relief,I walked over and opened the door.

"Hey,"I said looking straight forward which was at Sam's chest.

"You doin' alright?"

"As alright as a girl who just lost her mother to a monster and doesn't know who her dad is can get,"I chuckled slightly.

"Yea,"he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and led me to the main area where Dean had already shoved a burger in his mouth.I sat down and took small bites out of mine.

After I finished my burger,I asked to be excused and walked to my room.I layed down on my cot and somehow went to sleep with Ghost still grooming himself at the foot of my cot.

Sam shook me awake,"Get dressed.Dean surprisingly said I could borrow the Impala.Come on.We live in 20."

I got up quickly when Sam shut the door and got dressed.I put on a Nirvana shirt,jean shorts,and grey,worn converse.I brushed my hair and left it loose after I brushed my teeth.

Stepping out of my room,I took a deep breath.I was going to find out who my dad was today.I was excited and worried at the same time.

"Come on,"Sam said,putting a jacket on.Realzing I had forgotten mine through all my wicitement(worry and excitement),and went to get my black coat.

When I walked outside to where Sam was waiting in the Impala,I took a deep breath.What if I didn't want to know?

When Sam started the Impala the radio came on,a Blink-182 song.It was Adam's Song.(they didn't forget Adam and the song behind this is so sweet)

"You like this?"Sam asked as I sang along.

I nodded,"This is one of my favorite songs by them.But What Is My Age Again tops them all.Do you like them?"

"They're ok."

We sat in silence till we reached our destination.I was getting my blood tested for this.I was ready.

"I'll be waiting in the car for you,"Sam said as I shut the door.

"Ok,thanks,"I said before I jogged into the building.

*after blood test*

I was practically sitting ducks while I kicked my feet slowly as I sat on the counter top.What if I didn't want to know though?I clutched the necklace.

The door opened and my head whipped over.It was the doctor and he handed me the file and left the room.

I sat with the file in my hands for a few minutes that felt like hours.What if I didn't want to know?Thoughts filled my head and I pushed them away as I opened it.

My dad was....

Dean Winchester.

I dropped the file and stared straight forward.Collecting myself,I grabbed the file and looked at his necklace.The oh so familiar necklace was around his neck.

I walked out of the office with the file clutched to my chest.It all made since now.

The familiar features,the eyes,our similar actions,Sam's double take.

I shouldn't have doubted Helena.

When I stepped outside the much needed fresh air I greeted like an old friend.I sat down at the steps and looked through the file again.It said he had fallen off the radar and was on FBI's most wanted list twice.Wow...what did he do?

I walked back to the Impala.

"How'd it go?"Sam asked.

I handed him the file slowly.He opened it and looked at me after he read it.

"Wow,Iden.I guess that makes me...your..."


Me and Sam just sat there for a few minutes as we processed this.

"How's Dean gonna take it?"I asked.

"We'll find out,"Sam said as he started the Impala and drove off.

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