It's National My Chemical Romance Day,fellow Killjoys!You don't even know how happy I am!If you are not reading this on July 23rd then it's not MCR Day.This is Welcome To The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance!And we have 400 reads!100 more and we'll have half a thousand!So tell your friends,my simplies.(that's what I call my fans tell me if you like it)
Chapter 28
Iden's POV.It's been a week since I was rescued from the Djinn and I turned 12.Dean had gotten me a book,knowing that my obsession with reading would only grow.It was The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancy.So far it was an amazing book with great detail.Helena had gotten me the Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge Album(A/N:It's a My Chemical Romance album that I bought yesterday).Peter had given me some notebooks to draw in.I had been practicing my art skills for years.Sam had gotten me a book on Greek Mythology.He sure knew what he was doing.Now me and Helena were in my room jamming out to My Chemical Romance.
"No!"I cried as the first note to The Ghost of You came on,"Are you trying to kill us?"
This is one of the saddest songs with the saddest music video.Spoiler:Mikey Way dyed in it and I crying for what felt like hours.
"You are never coming home,never coming home!"Helena shouted.
I curled up into a ball and started rocking back in fourth as Helena rocked out using her hairbrush as a microphone.I sighed.I wished Jerusha could be hear.I missed her so much.
And idea popped into my mind.
"I'll be right back,Helly,"I said and walked out of my room,"Angelina!"
"Yea?"Angelina popped out from behind a corner.
" was Jerusha going after I left?"
"She hung missing person posters of you and Helena up all over town.She attended your mother's funeral and said a few words.She misses you guys.She hung out with me."
I nodded,"Ok.When do you think we'll see her again?"I asked.
She shrugged,"I don't know,but I have to go get some food at the store.Anything you want?"
"Pie.Chocolate pie,please,"I said,reaching into my pocket and grabbed a 20,"Here."
"Thanks,"she put it in her pocket,"Happy Birthday,Iden."
Jerusha's POV.
I sat at the kitchen table staring out the window.Today was Iden's birthday and I had what I had been holding for a few months now in front of me.It was a necklace with a unicorn charm.Iden always had a soft side for unicorns.I sighed and picked it up.Walking up the stairs to get to my room,my mom stopped me.
"Jerusha,what is that?"my mother asked.
I was silent.
"It's a gift.For Iden.It's her birthday today."
"Jerusha,she's gone,"my mother knelt to my level and patted my shoulder,"I'm sorry."
I nodded,"Ok."
"Now go have a good time!"Mom said.
"Ok,"I said opening the door to my room.
I shut it and tossed the gift gently on the bed.
"Nice present,"a voice said.
I spun around,"I...Iden."
"Oh,my God,Iden!"I ran up and hugged her tightly,"I missed you."
As I hugged her something felt wrong,as if I was hugging a complete stranger.
Iden grabbed my wrists tightly and put them behind my back.
"Iden,what are you doing?"I questioned.
I felt something tighten around my wrists.Rope.
"Iden,what the hell is going on?"
She pulled out a cloth from her pocket and shoved it over my mouth.
"Sweet dreams,Jerry."
Everything went black.

FanfictionThis is a Supernatural fan fiction. I suck at descriptions so I'm sorry that you are going in with very little knowledge of the book.Hope you like it.