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Monday Morning. Ah, twelfth grade. Lily woke up earlier than usual then headed to the bathroom to change her clothes and wash her face. Afterwards, she picked up her bag beside her bed and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Hi, honey good morning." Her mom, Isabelle, greeted as she barely looked away from the frying pan and god, she was cooking bacon and eggs!

"Good morning, mum." Lily replied as she kissed her mom's cheek.

"So," Isabelle said as she turned off the stove and relocated the food to Lily's plate. "Is Matt picking you up or am I driving you to school?" She asked, smiling.

"Um, no actually. You should drive me." Lily said smiling back as she grabbed her plate from her mother. "What's more than coming out of a car with your school's guidance counselor?" She joked and they both laughed.

"Okay, fine." Isabelle said obviously faking her annoyed tone.

"What about dad? Has he left yet?" Lily asked as she shoved an egg in her mouth.

"Yeah. He left before three." Isabelle said as she sat down next to Lily and started eating her salad, yes she's a vegan. Lily  thought of being vegan too, but she just love meat and chicken so much, she can't.

"Wow, that's pretty early." Lily replied as she took a bite of her bread. "What for?"

"Ah, meeting. Plus, I think he's getting a promotion!" Isabelle screamed the word and clasped her hands together.

"Oh my god! That's super good news!" Lily said as she finished her food and stood up. Her mom did the same and they both dumped their plates in the sink before hugging each other.

"I know right?" Isabelle said excitedly as they broke apart. "But he didn't confessed though, I just figured."

"Oh." Lily said as she turned around. "Well, I gotta brush my teeth."

"Okay. Get to the car as soon as you're ready." Isabelle called out to her as she started doing the dishes.


Lily walked to her locker silently on her own since Matthew hasn't called or texted her yet. As she opened it, a lot of students around her started gushing and she rolled her eyes secretively. As she finished the code, a letter welcomed her eyes. It wrote:

To the beautiful one who opened this, I am so blessed to have you in my life. Happy fourth anniversary, hon. This is the day back on our eight grade when you first walked into the room and my jaw literally dropped to the floor. I watched you do your magic in your grades while I was failing.

And remember my attempt to talk to you at lunch that day? So epic. But then when I asked you out for dinner that same day, you said yes and I was so happy. Later that night, we kissed and I asked you to be my girlfriend and without a doubt you said yes, again!

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