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*Lily's POV*

Okay so here's the time where I'm putting everything on pause. My life, my problems, worries, even emotions. Life goes by so fast we can barely catch up to it. So, everyday is a different day and we expect it to be better than today.

My life have been pretty interesting so far. Sure I've had a few dilemmas but I always have my family to back me up. My journey does not end there, I'm eighteen and I've experienced a lot of things that a person shouldn't have encountered at such a young age but these obstacles are the reason why I am who I am now.

I, Lilia Wellington Andreas, is the most messed up girl in the entire history. For many teenagers my age, I would've died of depression when my dad died and my mom forgot about him all too quickly. But I stayed.

I couldn't let myself drown in sorrow just because one part of my family died. I should be stronger than what I was before.

I've paused my life and watch the entire world go on without me. For the world outside, I'm nothing but a normal person, living a normal life, on a normal basis. But for me, this had been my entire life book.

I couldn't express how many times I've wanted to take my own life just to end everything at once. They say life wouldn't give you something that you can't handle. If so, then why does a lot of people cannot cope up with it?

Life is cruel. There's no such thing as 'When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.' That's plain crap. Oh my god I swore in my mind. Pretend I didn't thought of that okay?

As I was thinking, that quote is false. When life gives you lemons, you should take it so when things go to hell, throw it back at life and curse your heart out.

People don't accomplish what they have now because they turned that lemon into a lemonade and pretended everything will be fine. They achieved that because they worked hard for it. They fought life and it's peculiar circumstances.

And for you, in order to attain whatever it is you want, you should never let life bring you down. Use those negative things to propel yourself upwards.

We only live a life so short, so do what you want and fuck those who says you can't. You don't need negativity in your life; they'll just drain you. And you're not a battery someone could just use to drain, you are a person with high dreams that will someday come to reality.

But the point is, you are special. Even if you deny it, there's something extraordinary about you. Something exotic, new, interesting! All you have to do is find it and push yourself to be a better person and step outside your comfort zone. As a poem once said,

They told me to be prim and proper, and so I am
They want me to please them, and so I did
Everything they have ever asked, I did out of fear
Society is watching; Come, be proper!

Everyday seems so redundant
Sit up straight, hold well your teacup
The expectations are high, we want you to be perfect
No mistakes, no flaws, everything must be absolute

Your opinions, unvoiced
Your tears, unnoticed
No one will know what you've done
No one will care when you're gone

So let them see the real you,
Ignore those who shame you
You can never be perfect
But you can be proud of yourself

The point of this whole speech is to be yourself and keep your head, heels, and standards high. Because, well, for me, that's something I would like someone to say.

As I said before life is short and you won't be always there to read my life. So let me be the one to push you forward into my life.

I have now put my life in play. To the time when my life became more interesting but less happy.

It all started one week before the senior's prom. Everything was perfect. Or so I thought...


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