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Oh my God, he's alive! Was the first thought that came into Lily's head as Matt opened his eyes tiredly, adjusting to the bright white light of the hospital room.

"Hey," He breathed, his voice scratchy and Lily released the breath she didn't knew she was holding.

"Don't ever scare me like that, ever again!" The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them and she threw herself at Matt, careful not to put too much impact.

"I'm sorry, angel. But I'm too selfless for my own good and even if I can go back to that time, I'd still do it." He said, clearly standing his ground on this one. Lily sighed deeply and nodded before sitting down on the chair beside his bed.

"Matty is your head okay?" Lily asked and Matt nodded his head. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"You sound like a detective on that one, angel." The silver-haired boy said to her. "A sexy one at that too," He wiggled his eyebrows that confirmed her thoughts.

He liked my dress!

"Don't divert the matter, Matthew." She said in a stern voice. What Matt did still boggled her mind and as long as he hasn't said what it was, she will never stop over thinking things.

What if it wasn't an accident at all? What if my stalker, W, had planned this all along? I mean, he is obsessed with me after all. Could it be possible? That's just borderline creepy. If the police asks, should I tell them about it? It could help, but the risks are high that W will come back at me, well us, with something much worse if I tell the authorities.

"Stop over thinking, hon." He said, worry evident on his features. He took a deep breath before continuing. "So, after I called you, I bought what we needed it's in my bag actually." He said and tried to get up but Lily held him down.

"I'll get it," She said and was welcomed by a pink corsage and a boutonniere that was a mix of white and red roses. Lily couldn't help but smile at the perfect pair he bought and for the millionth time that night, she cried once again.

"Shh angel, why are you crying? Is it really that terrible?" He asked as he grew worried. Surely that wasn't the reason why she's crying?

Lily couldn't help but laugh at that. He's in a hospital bed and he's still worried that she wouldn't like the corsage? "Only you, Matt. Only you."

He was beyond confused at her sudden change of mood but seeing the love of his life laugh, it was enough to make everything feel better. Lily looked his way and smiled, making all his worries of the past events fade.

"Here, let me put that on for you." He offered, and Lily was more than happy to comply. She sat on the chair, with her outstretched arm as he did the corsage on her right wrist. And for the first time that night, there's something beautiful that happened. The corsage completed her whole ensemble and somehow that was the most treasured thing she ever had in her whole life.

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