Author's Note

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So after a bajillion years, I finally completed this! Wooooo! 🎉 Also just wanted to say that even though this is a short story, I never really planned it to be this long. I planned to have it like, short chaps with the total of ten but then I don't really know what happened. 😂

When I first thought of this story, it was imprinted in me that the protagonist would die and that she would have a stalker. That was basically it. I'm so proud of what I've written and although this is a short story, I've always liked those books who continues up to three sequels.

So basically I didn't plan to kill Lily off like that. Janice wasn't supposed to kill her. In fact, Janice wasn't really supposed to exist! It was supposed to go like, Ash would kill Lily then make it look like a suicide. Then the day after her funeral, he was supposed to confess before killing himself. It's not his fault though, he's crazy. I don't really know where Janice came from, she just turned up when I was writing 😂

Anyway this is just basically it and I hope that you liked it in its very own twisted way. Feel free to check out my other stories and oh, please suggest a few books cause I'm also a hardcore reader. Leave a few comments of what you think of the ending and how short the epilogue is. 😂😂 That's all! 😘


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