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Thursday Morning. Lily woke up peacefully when she felt a vibration under the pillow. She took her phone out and saw that Isabelle was calling her. She dismissed the call and that's when she saw that her mother bombarded her phone with texts since last night.

'Where are you?'
'Lily, I know you're mad at me. Just text me if you're okay.'
'My little baby, please just tell me you're fine.'
'I can't sleep honey. I'm worried sick about you. Please answer my calls.'

And so on and so forth. After reading and deleting her texts, a call suddenly went in again but this time, Lily answered it.

"What?" She asked immediately when she heard her mother on the other line.

"Honey, you have no idea what you've put me through!" Isabelle lectured and Lily snapped at her mother.

"Well then, if you're just going to scold me I might as well end this call." Lily said but Isabelle groaned at the other side.

"No, Lily please just listen to me." Her mom pleaded.

"Fine. You have ten seconds." Lily replied sternly.

"Thank you honey. And don't think I don't know where you are. Cameron called last night for condolences and she mentioned that you stayed in their house for the night. Now, I know I asked you where you are but, I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't lie to me."

"Five seconds."

"So, I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you and you can come home now. I want to patch things up with you in person. Please?"

"Just give me space for a little while. I'll come home when I'm ready." Lily said and she hung up. She laid back in the bed and was surprised that Matt was already awake.

"I don't want you to be like that to your mom." He said sadly. "I know you're going through a rough time right now but so is she."

"Maybe tomorrow, okay?" She said as she caressed his face. "I'll come home tomorrow."

"Okay." He replied as he shut his eyes and went back to sleep. He tugged at her but she continued to stare off the distance.


When Matt woke up, he offered breakfast with his family and Lily gladly accepted it. She changed clothes and fixed her hair into a fishtail then headed downstairs with Matt on her side.

"Oh hey guys!" Cameron greeted them as she caught a glimpse of the two in the kitchen.

"Hey, mom." Matt said then kissed Cameron's cheeks. "Good morning."

"Good morning indeed." She said as she nodded her head. "Did you have a nice sleep, Lily dear?"

"Yes, it was quiet here." Said Lily as she smiled at the woman.

"Well," Cameron started and headed towards the stove. That's when I realized that she was cooking pancakes! "I called your mother last night and-"

"She doesn't know where I am nor does she know that I'm here." Lily completed the sentence for her.

"Yes, exactly." Cameron said when Matt and Lily took a seat on the stools behind their counter. "Have you talked to her?"

"Yes actually, I have." Lily said giving her a fake smile that she's sure looked genuine. She was tired of the questions and she wanted want it to stop. "This morning she called."

"Oh, well then," Cameron said as she placed the bowl filled with pancakes on the table. "Eat up. Paul isn't here, duty calls."

"Um, what does Mister Renée do again?" Lily asked as she picked up a pancake and placed it on her plate.

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