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Lily had lost track of how long she was waiting in the lobby. At this point, she expected herself to cry. To mourn or at least feel guilt. But she didn't. She felt numb. The moment she rushed out of the school's gymnasium, her mom called after her; running like a maniac to catch up.

"Where are you going?" Isabelle, her mom, had asked.

"I need to go to Matt. He's in CGH." Lily replied, still panting from the run she did. Isabelle didn't ask anymore questions and led her daughter to their car.

There were many questions running around her mind. How could this happen? He didn't deserved this! He was just supposed to buy our things and spend the rest of the night with me happily. Prom is every girl's magical night, they said. Well, looks like fate changed it just for me. First dad, then Matt? I don't think I'll be able to pull it together if he-  no. I shouldn't be thinking about that.

The last time Lily was in a hospital, she witnessed her father lying lifeless in a morgue. If the hospital informed her about Matt, then he must be still alive. After all, they could've just said that he had passed during their exchange on the phone, right?

As their car pulled over the hospital's parking lot, Lily left her purse inside the car and clutched her dress between her two, shaking hands. She ran towards the entrance and into the nurse's table.

"Um I- I'm here for Matthew Renée? You guys c-called me in." She stuttered. Her heart was beating so fast from the anticipation as the woman behind the counter punched in his name into her computer.

"Yes uh, Miss Andreas? Lilia Andreas?" The woman looked at Lily expectantly.

"Yes that's me. Can you tell me where his room is?" Lily asked, careful not so sound rude.

"I'm sorry miss but you can't see him right now, he's in the Emergency Room." Her voice didn't held a hint of sympathy. Maybe encountering these kind of situation everyday makes you lose them. "Please take a seat and wait for the doctor to call you in."

Of course he's in there you stupid girl! Now take a seat before you embarrass yourself some more. 

Hesitantly, she took a seat still stunned by the little voice inside her head. She sat beside her mom who was busy talking to someone on the phone. The Renées, she mouthed. Lily nodded, still feeling empty.

Lily, herself, doesn't even know how long have she'd been staring absent-mindedly. Seconds? Minutes? Maybe even hours.

Isabelle have now returned after she went back to their house to grab them some clothes, even Matt. Matt's parents, Cameron and Paul are now here. Isabelle ditched her dress for a white shirt and denim jeans paired with her black loafers. Her hair was now in a ponytail and her make-up gone.

She smiled lazily at her daughter before taking a seat beside her. She acknowledged Mr. and Mrs. Renée by throwing a nod-and-smile combination towards their way. They returned it, although stress was more evident on their faces.

No one has informed them about what had happened to Matt-  yet. Isabelle nudged Lily's side and directed her to the clothes she brought. Lily shook her head and mouthed, later.

"Miss Andreas?" A deep, manly voice called. "I'm Doctor Verlac."

Lily stood up almost suddenly and his face held distress. "Yes?"

"You may see Mister Renée now. He may still be sleeping but he is now stable. Where are his parents?" He asked, studying his wooden clipboard.

Paul, Matt's dad, cleared his throat and stood up. Cameron, with her arm around Paul's stood up with him. "We are his parents. What happened to our son?"

Before Doctor Verlac could respond to Mister Renée's question, Lily interjected, "Where's Matt?"

The doctor shifted his gaze from Paul to Lily and replied, "Floor three, room two-oh-nine."

As soon as those words left his mouth, Lily rushed to the elevator like her life depended on it. She smashed the number three button and the elevator doors opened. She ran towards the corridor, bumping into some nurses and murmuring apologies in the process.

She came into  a halt when she saw room 207. Her breathing slowed down and she let go of her dress-  having it to sway as she reached his room, 209. There, she saw him lying on his back, connected to a machine that monitors his heartbeat.

"No." she repeated to herself like a mantra as the nurses exited the room. "He'll be okay."

And with that, his eyes fluttered open, still looking tired, he gave off a small smile as she sat down on the bed that held him. She forced my tears to stay but the situation suggests not.


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