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When Isabelle started talking, Lily couldn't hear anything except one specific detail.

"What?!" Lily screamed and her mom looked at her in concern. "You and that dude, Danny are dating?"

"Yes, but it's only been since we met because he took me to dinner that night." Isabelle smiled but Lily's mind was still full of disappointment for her mother.

"You only met the guy! What if- what if he's a serial killer or- or like a sadist?" Lily made a face as soon as those words left her mouth.

"A sadist?" Isabelle chuckled gently shaking her head.

"Yeah!" Lily argued as she threw her hands up in the air. "Think about Christian Grey."

"Ch- Christian Grey?" Isabelle laughed at the thought.

"Yeah, him." Lily rolled her eyes at the woman in front of her.

"How do you even know that?" Isabelle laughed at Lily before putting up a straight face. "Did you read the book?"

"What? No!" Lily said before adding, "But I've seen the movie so," Her mom scrunched her eyebrows and Lily spoke quickly before Isabelle could. "Anyway, that's not the point! You still don't know him enough!"

"Honey, we're dating. And that's the whole point of dating isn't it? It's where you get to know each other." Isabelle said and Lily raised both of her eyebrows. "Plus, you said yes to Matthew on your first day."

"Oh, please don't ever compare Matt to that guy! Matt is like a supermodel, Danny is like a-  whatever. Just not even close enough to him." Lily rolled her eyes and Matt laughed.

"I am very flattered, thank you." Matt smiled as he kissed Lily's cheek.

"Seriously, though," Lily said as her mom raised an eyebrow. Probably bored of all the insults her daughter is throwing at her new boyfriend. "Danny is the broad-shouldered, masculine dude and I doubt he even had a child before."

"He did, her wife and boy died at a mass bombing in Paris. Which happened, not too long ago so," Isabelle trailed off and Lily suddenly felt bad about talking trash about him.

"I- I'm sorry." Lily stuttered before dropping her head. Also not knowing what else to say.

"It's okay, you didn't know and I get that you're against our relationship but if you get to know him better maybe you'll change your mind." Isabelle said, being so optimistic even though Lily disrespected Danny behind his back.

"So, when will we meet Danny?" Lily asked suddenly and her mom's eyes lit up.

"What do you say we eat lunch with him today?" Isabelle said as Matt and Lily exchanged looks.

"Well," Lily said as Matt nodded at her. "Can we bring Matt with us?"

"What?" Isabelle and Matt asked in unison.

"Bring Matt with us?" Lily repeated and Isabelle nodded her head.

"Of course, why would you even ask that?" Isabelle said laughing softly.

"For confirmation?" Lily asked rather than said.

"Well, I'm going to inform Dan about our lunch. Go pick nice clothes." Her mom instructed them before she went upstairs to the master's bedroom.

"So, what're you going to wear? A tuxedo?" Lily joked and he too, laughed.

"Probably," He said and her eyes widen.


"Yeah, seriously." He smirked at her.

"Well, then I'm going to wear a very expensive dress." She taunted.

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