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"Oh my god!" Lily screeched as she detached her eye from her room's calendar.

"What? What's wrong?" Isabelle entered her room, wide-eyed.

"Mum!" Lily ran towards her and shook her shoulders violently. "Prom is next week!"

"Oh, honey I thought it was something serious." Isabelle sighed and Lily backed away.

"Are you kidding me? Mum this is everything serious!" She mentally face-palmed herself. With the back of a lego.

"Well, today is Saturday. Do you want to go shopping now? We'll just eat lunch at the mall." Isabelle suggested.

"Oh my god, yasss!" Lily clasped her hands together and jumped.

Isabelle gave her a confused look before speaking, "Yas?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "Does that translate to yes?"

"Yasss!" Lily replied, smiling cheekily. She ran towards her mother before enveloping her into a tight hug. "Let's change."

Isabelle smiled and nodded. As she closed the door behind her, Lily immediately went to her closet to pick something comfortable yet still decent.

She decided to go all Taylor Swift style today because all she ever wore is comfy clothes. Lily picked a white, striped long-sleeve and denim jeans. She paired it with her very own red Keds. She decided to put her hair in a high ponytail ang apply red lipstick to complete the whole 'TS' look. For her eye make up, she went for a natural color since her lip is already bold.

She picked a sling bag and shoved her things in it. Glancing at the mirror once more, she decided to wait for her mom downstairs. As she went outside her room, she heard her mom talking downstairs.

Lily approached the stairs warily and decided to eavesdrop. She knew it was disrespectful but the fact that her mom was whispering made it seem suspicious.

"... I don't know if she's ready for that, Danny." Isabelle whispered while constantly looking up. "You know what she's been through. No, don't talk to her about it." She shook her head at the phone. "Okay, we need to go." She said and hung up.

"Lily! What's taking you so long?" She yelled as she placed her phone in her bag.

Lily walked out slowly and went down the stairs looking down. Isabelle  saw the sudden change in her daughter's mood and she raised an eyebrow before questioning her. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Lily mumbled.

"Okay look, you were ecstatic about this at first and now you're-" Isabelle paused, probably thinking of an appropriate word. "This. Are you bipolar or something?"

Lily laughed humorlessly before shaking her head. "No mum, I'm not bipolar."

"Then why the sad boo-boo face?" Isabelle said, mocking her. She smiled, her award-winning smile, at Lily. And she couldn't help but return it back and forget about what happened earlier.

"I'm just nervous and worried that we won't agree on the same dress." She half-lied. Sure, she was worried about that but what she heard earlier was the one boggling her mind.

"Oh, I'm sure we'll find one that we both like," Isabelle said as she hugged Lily and she hugged her back. "Besides, it's not what I like, it's what you feel comfortable yet beautiful in."

"Thanks, mum," Lily smiled as they both went outside and into the car.

The drive was silent. But it wasn't an awkward-silence. As they started to pull over at the mall's parking lot, Lily took a one last look at herself in the mirror and jumped out of the car.

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