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"Oh my God I'm so excited!" Jessie screamed from the over line.

"Well someone's overly enthusiastic today." Lily teased and she can imagine Jessie, rolling her eyes at her.

"I'm so proud of my dress choice! It's not gothic at all!" Jessie boasted before texting Lily a photo of her dress. It was a black dress that fades to a maroon in the stomach area.

"Yup, not gothic at all, Jess." Lily replied sarcastically.

"What about you? Let me see!" Jessie squealed a bit too loudly for her liking.

"Alright, alright. Hold your horses!" Lily laughed at how lame her comeback was and she heard Jessie laugh on the other side too. As soon as she hit send, Jessje yelled like there was a rat in her room. She hates rats.

"Wow, you look stunning!" Jessie complimented.

"Darling, you do too." And they made those kiss sounds rich people do without even actually touching the cheeks.

"Okay, my date is here. Bye, Ly! See you at school."

"Bye," Lily hung up and fixed herself. She look pretty presentable, might she add.

The make up she did was just as light as her dress. She had a pink lipstick on and a dark sparkly violet eyeshadow and a winged eyeliner. She also invested on applying one of those fake eyelashes to boost her eyes.

Her hair was done in a slick low bun and she kept the accessories to a minumum since the dress itself was sporting jewelries. She wore the promise ring Matt gave her and a silver starfish as her earring.

"Honey, a limo is here to pick us up!" Isabelle yelled from downstairs. More like to pick me up, not us mom. But that's cool.

Lily slipped on a five-inch bronze peep-toe pumps and even though it's never gonna be seen because of her floor-length dress, she still chose it for some class.

"Coming!" She grabbed her clutch that contains her phone, coin purse (yep a purse in a purse), and both her lipstick and eyeliner.

Lily walked carefully down the stairs cause she didn't want to ruin this night for her. There, Isabelle stood by the door, her red hair secured in one side by bobby pins and her make up dark. The dress clung to her body just right. As they saw each other, a smile made their way to their faces.

What's bothering her though, is her mom stood there alone. Where's Matt? If the limo was here, then where is he? Also I haven't got my corsage and Matt was supposed to bring a pink one for both of us.

"I know what your thinking honey. We both look beautiful." Her smile reached upwards more.

Lily can't help but smile back. "Where's Matt?"

"Why don't you talk to him once we're outside? The chauffer has been waiting for too long."

"Yeah," Lily tried to smile but she knew it looked forced. She headed outside and as her mom locked our door, the chauffer got out of the limo and opened the door for them. He gave the ladies a warm smile and they gladly returned them.

Inside the limo, was exactly how Lily pictured it. Once her mom got in, it suddenly zoomed forward, not wasting any time. She glanced around the vehicle and her mood dropped as she realized Matt wasn't here.

Lily opened the partition between them and the driver. "Excuse me,"

Isabelle gave her a questioning look but Lily ignored her. "Yes, ma'am?" He replied politely.

"Did Mathew Renée hired you?" Lily asked, even though she already knew the answer.

"Yes, he did." He smiled at her through the mirror.

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