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Lily's Sunday was spent, might she say, rather mundane. She woke up, ate breakfast, cleaned the house, ate lunch her mom while watching The Notebook, crying, crying, crying. The typical.

Then she washed the dishes, slept through the entire afternoon, woke up to do advance reading for tomorrow, got called downstairs for dinner, brushed her teeth, and went to bed.

The usual.


Lily woke up as her alarm went off and headed to the bathroom to take a bath.

As she got out, she picked out a decent pair of clothes since today, a lot of eyes are going to judge her due to the smart person who told everyone that her mom is the school's guidance counselor. And she have one person in mind: Jamie Smith.

Lily headed downstairs to eat her breakfast. They both ate in complete silence for about 20 minutes then washed their plates and brushed their teeth then headed to her mom's car.

As Isabelle started up the car, Lily applied small amount of make up using the mirror on the dashboard. Once done, she decided to break the news to her mom.

"So mom," Lily started and Isabelle hummed in response. "Jessie told me that the whole school knows about our relativity."

Isabelle shot her a look before stepping on the brakes that caused Lily to launch forward. "What?!"

"Yeah," Lily replied as her eyes examined Isabelle and she started to hyperventilate. "Mum, calm down."

"But I could be fired and- losing my job means losing our finance." She started ranting.

"Stop. We'll fix this." Lily promised and Isabelle nodded her head before driving again.

They drove to the school's parking lot and as expected, when they both exited the car, Lily had gotten some death glares from students whom she doesn't really know.

"They're murdering me in their heads." Lily whispered to her mom and Isabelle shook her head, laughing. They separated ways, Isabelle headed to her office and Lily to her locker.

"So the counselor's daughter, huh?" A group of girls came passing by her locker while their heels clicked on the smooth floor.

Lily didn't reply and after putting back unnecessary books, she saw Matt walking towards her. She huffed and stood straight, leaning on her locker.

"Hey, everything cool?" He asked as he neared Lily.

"No, everything's not cool." She replied, mocking his tone. "And dude, stop talking like a white gangsta boy."

He laughed before giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Well I can't help that I'm white, right?"

"You're a racist." She joked and his eyes went wide.

"Hey!" He said before backing away.

"Just kidding bruh," Lily said doing the pose with your hands on your mouth. Probably done by most rappers.

He laughed and shook his head. After a while, he spoke up. "What do you mean, everything's not cool?"

"Well aside from the fact that the whole school knows that my mom is our counselor?" Lily asked in a monotone voice.

"Wait, what?"

"You heard me." She said with a huff.

"Could it be that asshole Smith?" He asked anger hinted in his voice.

"Language. And yes I think so too." She started walking to her class with Matt beside her when his phone beeped.

"I gotta go, see you later angel." He kissed her cheek goodbye before leaving Lily to walk to her room with her head down.

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