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Matt was acting weird since he came back to school. Today, he didn't even bother questioning me about the supposed 'project' I was going to do at Jessie's. He didn't bug me about when I'm going to come home or even ask if I'll need a ride home! Lily thought.

"Hey, Ly!" Jessie snapped Lily out of her thoughts.

"Yeah?" Lily asked, slightly confused and slightly worried.

"Are you okay?" Jessie asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yes," Lily lied.

"Okay, let me try again." She said shooting her a unconvinced look. "What's wrong?"

Lily grunted before laying it all on her bestfriend. "Honestly? I don't know. I feel like Matt has been distant lately without him even meaning to. And I'm scared that he's still carrying on the W thing."

Jessie sighed before sitting next to Lily on their couch and started soothing her. "You know, maybe you should let him do this for his own closure."

Lily laughed softly at that. Why would he need closure? It's not like he was the one who was affected by this rampant rumour. "Maybe,"

"Oh cheer up, Ly! Let's watch a movie. What do you say?" She asked, her eyes lighting up at the thought.

Lily chuckled before nodding. "Love, Rosie?"

"You know it." Jessie smiled and Lily can't help but return it back. While she was putting it on, Lily grabbed some food and waited patiently on the couch.


When they finished watching the very heartfelt movie, it was already six in the evening so Lily decided to go home. Her house was just a couple of blocks away from Jessie so she decided walk from there.

When she finally reached her house, the front door was open, luckily, and she entered inside. The whole house was quiet and she doesn't think her mom has arrived yet. But still, why is the door unlocked? Were they robbed?

Instinctively, Lily grabbed the knife from the counter and decided to scout the entire house. She started downstairs, checked the whole living room for any missing items but nothing was stolen. She walked upstairs quietly, her heart pounding inside her chest.

She leaned towards her bedroom door just in case the robber was going through her things. She heard none so she opened the door slowly. Her room was empty and not a single dust was out of place.

Lily tiptoed towards the master's bedroom and there, she heard a muffled voice. The sound of humming, she tensed at the noise and it took every courage she have in her to open the door in one big swing.

She expected him to be startled or lounge at her since the knife was stretched out in front of her and her hands were shaking. She gripped the knife in both of her hands to keep her composure.

But once she realized who it was, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Dan?"

He turned around, smiling. But when he saw the knife in het hands, it turned into a frown. "What do you think you're doing with that knife, young lady?"

"Um, uh," Lily stuttered before dropping her arms to her side. "I thought you were a burglar or something. Mum never said that you'd be here so, I panicked."

"Well," He said as he stepped closer and plucked the knife from her hands. "Your mom asked me to wait you to come home today. She'll be a little late."

"Oh," Lily replied as she backed away from him.

"Anyway, I'll be leaving now. Take care of yourself, lock the door behind me okay?" He said as he went downstairs and she followed suit.

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